Data Prove Voting by Mail is Safe from Fraud and COVID-19

As millions of Americans prepare to vote in November, and in many cases, state and local primaries and elections also during the summer, many people are talking about voting by mail. It’s a way to protect the integrity of the country’s voting system and limit potential exposure to the coronavirus, which continues to spread widely in the U.S.

I am a political scientist and I am part of a working group of the National Academy of Public Administration that offers recommendations to guarantee voter participation, as well as public confidence in the electoral process and the outcome during this coronavirus pandemic. To meet that goal, our work has found that state and local governments will need to make significant adjustments to their voting systems this year, changes that will likely require new federal funding.

Our recommendations, which include ways to reduce the health risks of in-person voting, as well as expand access and facilitate the mail-in voting process, are based on a comprehensive review of the evidence.

Some critics, including President Donald Trump, have questioned the integrity of postal voting, even though some of them voted by mail in the past. Conservative groups are suing to limit voting by mail, and some federal judges appear reluctant to defend voter rights if that means intervening in decisions at the state level. The president’s re-election campaign is suing to block voting by mail while pushing his sponsors to be ready to vote by mail.

The evidence we review finds that voting by mail is seldom subject to fraud, does not give one political party an advantage over another, and indeed can inspire public confidence in the voting process, if done correctly.

When fraud occurs, election administrators identify it and take action, correcting election statements and prosecuting those responsible. That’s what happened in North Carolina in 2018, when a Republican political activist paid others to collect incomplete absentee ballots so they could be completed to vote for the Republican candidate. The activist was arrested, charged and convicted, and the entire election was invalidated and resubmitted.

But general electoral fraud is rare.

A database of voter fraud reporting maintained by the conservative Heritage Foundation reports approximately 1,200 voter fraud allegations, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions of voter fraud since 2000.

Of these, only 204 indictments and 143 convictions included mail ballots. That’s a small fraction of the approximately 250 million ballots mailed in during those two decades. Also, problems are extremely rare in states that rely primarily on mail voting.

Of course, any voting system must be protected from fraud. Election officials are already doing so, including prosecuting fraud attempts.
