Data miners dig deep into Animal Crossing: the latest New Horizons update to find jokes about what’s to come

Animal Crossing: New Horizons just got a free summer update, and the data miners were eager to dive in and see what else it was hiding. Now they’ve unveiled some interesting content news and more that should be in the game at some point.

Dataminer Ninji first shared new details on how NPCs are generated. The information was compiled into a useful infographic, which you can see below.

Below is an indicator that data related to backing up saved data has been added. We knew this feature was coming, but it looks like we’ll have access to it soon.

After that, there is a rundown of the mermaid furniture set and the materials needed to create them, along with Gulliver’s new pirate items.

Finally, there are a number of various tidbits for minor information, which have been rounded off below.

– More internal references to Dream Suite features

– Something unknown (“Vn”), added in the same location that referred to the different types of vegetables before

– Weather patterns have changed very slightly, giving you more hours for stars to appear in Fine02 and Fine06 patterns (2 of the 3 types of showers)

– Nintendo has not only changed Fine02 and Fine06, but has also changed the way light meteor showers work

– The stars now appear at all times from 7 pm to 4 am, not just those with good weather

– Saharah can now apparently sell multiple items at once

– On fishing and bug-off tournament days, the KK Slider concert now moves to Sunday instead of Friday, so you won’t lose NPC space on Friday that week

– You can have Gulliver and Gullivarr in the same week, but not on consecutive days
