Dark Knight Rises Star Anne Hathaway claims Christopher Nolan does not allow chairs on set

Some of the most famous directors who have ever lived were known for idiosyncrasies that made them difficult to work with. Stanley Kubrick took several shots at night with a single shot. Hitchcock was possessive with his blonde protagonists. Tobe Hooper, more innocently, only needed a Dr. Pepper during a shoot.

Christopher Nolan is no different, says Anne Hathaway. At an Actors on Actors gathering at Les Miserables, Zoom Chat with Hugh Jackman for Variety, he said Nolan has certain restrictions on his sets. Other than cell phones, it prohibits otherwise.

Anne Hathaway

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Hathaway, who worked with the Tenet filmmaker on The Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar, revealed: “Chris doesn’t allow chairs either. I worked with him twice. “

She explained, “He does not allow chairs, and his reasoning is that if you have chairs, people will sit, and if they are sitting, they are not working.”

“I mean, he has these amazing films in terms of scope and ambition and technical prowess and emotion,” Hathaway continued, thinking that there is something to Nolan’s logic. “It always comes to the end on schedule and on budget. I think he’s got something on the chair.

Anne Hathaway

Maybe it will get results, but that’s not getting much support on Twitter. A day after Hathaway made her comments, Nolan’s “chair thing” became a trend and led to slight accusations of capacity and speculation of a traumatic childhood involving seating.

Related: Catwoman Actress Anne Hathaway: White Women Complicit In Possible Black And Poor Deaths

Before things got more out of control, an official Nolan spokesman released a statement to IndieWire that Nolan doesn’t really ban chairs. He simply rejects them for his own personal use.

Read Representative Kelly Bush Novak’s statement:

“For the record, the only prohibited things in [Christopher Nolan’s] games are cell phones (not always successfully) and smoking (very successfully), ”Nolan spokeswoman Kelly Bush Novak of ID said in a statement. “The chairs Anne was referring to are the directors’ chairs grouped around the video monitor, assigned based on hierarchy rather than physical need. Chris chooses not to use hers, but has never banned chairs from the set. The cast and crew can sit where and when they need to and often do. “

The extras in his films came to Nolan’s defense.

So, with the fire put out, the most pressing concern is that Tenet’s launch be delayed until August 12. Hopefully you can keep that date.

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