“Dr. Redfield was referring to preliminary evidence from the ongoing Brown University analysis – as well as inspection reports that the CDC has received from school districts across the country – indicating that the Covid-19 does not spread to higher levels within K-12. A CDC spokesperson said.
Tracker currently shows a daily coronavirus case rate of 17 per 100,000 students – well below the 1%.
But that’s no small part because students aren’t routinely tested, said Emily Oster, a professor of economics and public policy at Brown, who started the dashboard. So no one knows if they are in fact infected.
“That’s the biggest point of all this reporting,” Oyster told CNN. “We know children can be asymptomatic.”
Oster said the website includes data that schools and school districts voluntarily publish, along with data that some report directly to the site, but is far from complete, Oster said. She said she was surprised that Redfield referred to it when she said the growing body of research showed that children do not get infected at school.
“It’s a banana,” he said. “I think we’re doing as good as we can. This is not my field. It’s crazy.”
The Trump administration’s position is long overdue that schools should maintain individual education whenever possible. Redfield is not alone – the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony F.C. has often said that he believes children are in school.
A CDC spokesman told CNN, “Dr. Redfield believes the school could be one of the safest places for K-12 youth during the Covid-19 epidemic, and that the risk of closing K-12 schools outweighs the risk of keeping them open.” A CDC spokesman told CNN.
“In addition to helping ensure academic progress, K-12 schools provide nutrition, mental health, socialization and other services and experiences that are crucial for our country’s youth.”
Oyster said he started the website based on personal interests. Her own children are going to school face to face, and she believes it can be done safely. Oyster also does not believe that schools are a major source of spreading the virus.
But Terster also criticizes the lack of data.
“No one is collecting systematic data and that sounds like a tremendous observation,” he said.
So she started doing it – but the first thing to say is that her data is incomplete. “We have the most comprehensive data at the moment,” he said.
“If we can get more partnerships from more states, it will help us understand these examples and share information about what works and what doesn’t.”
“It is clear to me that a federally funded, organized effort is likely to be better. We need more resources on this issue.”
The CDC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Redfield did not insist that all schools immediately return to face-to-face education
A CDC spokesman said: “Dr. Redfield encourages communities to make decisions about individual education based on transmission levels in communities and in the educational settings of schools, which may be much lower than the levels of transmission in the community.”
“Some extracurricular activities increase the risk of transmission, especially if physical distance is not maintained and facial masks are not worn. The CDC will also analyze data on school transmissions and release its findings when they become available.”
Tracker 8 .. students shows data of more than a million students, with a million present in person. It shows a daily coronavirus case rate per 100,000 students from November 26 to October 8. According to the dashboard, the staff case rate is 27 per 100,000.
It relies heavily on data from Texas and New York.
The Covid-19 School Response Dashboard is supported by the School Superintendents Association, the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Software software company Qualtrix manages the website and data.