Cruel Robert Trump threatens all restaurant workers, breaks his nose

An unidentified mourner from Robert Trump’s funeral allegedly confronted a restaurant worker in Washington, DC, after he was told the food could not host the large group due to coronavirus restrictions, according to a report.

The suspected attack took place Friday night in Fig & Olive restaurant, just hours after the funeral of the White House of the youngest sibling of President Trump, who died last week at the age of 71.

“I got a tip that someone in town for the funeral of Robert Trump’s White House last night hit a server in the Fig & Olive restaurant in DC,” correspondent NBC News White House Geoff Bennett tweeted. ‘I called and an employee confirmed it:’ One blind page one of my servers. Clocked him right in the nose. ‘

“My server’s nose is crooked. Pretty sure the man broke it. They apologize. Just said, ‘You do not know how to talk to people,’ ‘Bennett said he was told.

Not one of the Trump family was involved after all.

Those who were part of the “unjust” group still wore funeral programs from the funeral ceremony, Bennett claimed.

The restaurant and DC police did not immediately respond to calls for comment.
