Crucible returns to the drawing board with a closed beta

Melting pot It was released on May 20. More or less. After a month of open launch and a complete lack of interest from almost everyone, Melting pot It is being pulled out of launch and returned to a closed beta version.

According to a publication of Melting pot Development team, players will have until noon ET on Wednesday to download the game from Steam before it is closed for new players. In the near future, the publication says, interested players will be able to register through While the game is closed, the development team will try to improve Melting pot in the many ways it has already outlined.

The development team also plans to have regularly scheduled game times each week where developers can directly interact with closed beta players. The developers at Relentless Studios are also forming a small gamer council that they hope can help shape the future of the game to make it more attractive to everyone.

Steam’s public player statistics make it easy to see why Relentless Studios may have made the decision to move the game to closed beta. At the time of writing, the game has just under 150 players online. Just a few days after launch, the game reached its peak of 10,000 players and has been in a steady decline ever since, making it a catastrophic and highly visible failure for Amazon Game Studios.

While games often go dark, with little or no updates, even when developers try to adapt them to a better version 2.0, it is extremely rare for a game to crash entirely while reworking.

Even if the scale of this movement is unprecedented, there is still hope for success for Melting pot. Games like the original Destination and Rainbow Six: Siege both found greater success after major game-changing updates, and Fortnite It went from being a difficult game to one of the greatest of all time thanks to a gender change. Unfortunately for Melting pot, all those games still exist and still earn their fair share of players. With such a crowded field, creating a popular multiplayer game requires more than just a once in a while fun game to stand out from the competition.

The post of the Melting pot The team doesn’t include a timeline for the game’s return, but mentions that when the game returns, its remake will be based on “community feedback and the metrics we see in-game.”