Court officials review ban on protesting against Portland arrests

Court officials are reviewing the bans on protesters arrested amid protests in Portland, Oregon, that would prohibit them from protesting in the future while awaiting trial.

“We are reviewing each case again at this time and reviewing the wording of some of the conditions,” Brian Crist, director of preventive services at the United States District Court in Portland, told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “I think a lot of this will be resolved.”

At least 12 protesters arrested in recent weeks have been banned from attending protests and rallies while awaiting federal misdemeanor charges, ProPublica reported Tuesday.

Crist told AP that he could not comment on individual cases, but said the court looks at each defendant individually and has no “general conditions” that are imposed on all.

The restrictions, included in the conditions for leaving prison, varied among the protesters arrested, according to ProPublica.

In one case, the order establishing the conditions of release says: “The defendant cannot attend any other protest, demonstration, assembly or public meeting in the state of Oregon,” according to ProPublica. Some reportedly restrict the area to Portland, while others do not establish geographic restrictions and say, “Do not participate in any protest, demonstration, rally or assembly while this case is pending.”

Some of the protesters told ProPublica that they felt they had to accept the terms to get out of jail.

Kevin Sonoff, a spokesman for US Attorney Billy Williams, told the AP that his office did not request bans to protest.

“We have only looked for geographic restrictions (five blocks from the Hatfield Courthouse) and curfew. The court added the additional restrictions, ”Sonoff wrote in an email to the AP.

Portland has seen continuous protests for more than two months, sparked by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

The Trump administration has sent federal agents to the city to help local law enforcement agencies protect a court in the central United States. Democrats and local officials have condemned President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden hits Trump’s ‘law and order’ message: he’s trying to ‘scare the devil’ out of people Pelosi hits Barr after testimony: ‘It was like a blot’ and Trump Schumer’s ‘henchman’: Trump should want COVID-19 deal to aid Republican election opportunities MOREThe deployment of federal law enforcement officials amid reports that officials in unidentified vehicles are arresting protesters.

Trump on Wednesday doubled his support for sending federal officials to the city.

“As far as Portland is concerned, we have taken a very strong position. They are anarchists, they are radicals, they are crazy and they are going to fix it themselves: Portland, the police and maybe if the state gets involved, “Trump told reporters as he left the White House for Texas.

“We will not leave until they have secured their city,” he said. “If they don’t secure their city soon, we have no choice. We will have to go in and clean it up.”
