Costco stops selling its popular sheet cakes

Isn’t that a sheet?

Costco, the Washington-based wholesale retail giant, has discontinued sales of its popular half-leaf cakes, a sweet staple of big parties.

The beloved treats, which can serve up to 48 sweet tooth mouths for under $ 20, aren’t sold at any Costco store in the U.S., and there are no immediate plans to take them back to bakeries, according to multiple reports. week.

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The company first released the news in a May video ad on Facebook for cakes for graduation parties. Unlike the rectangular shape of the cake, the ones in this publication have a circular shape, but the news appeared in small print.

“Please note: Half-sheet cakes are currently not available to order or customize,” it reads.

The reason? The New York Times reportedly reports that it is due to the current coronavirus pandemic as large-scale events are postponed or canceled and in response to customer comments on Facebook. “To help limit personal contact and create more space for social distancing, Costco has reduced service in some departments … Right now, we are not making cakes for special orders,” the company said.

Instead, there will be 10-inch round cakes that Costco says resonate best with members.

Gut-busting leaf cakes come in two flavors. One, a white cake filled with 2 pounds of vanilla cheesecake mousse, had white butter cream frosting on top. The other was chocolate, with 2 pounds of chocolate mousse and chocolate cream frosting. Each cake can be personalized with a variety of designs.

The company’s initial and surreptitious announcement in the May Facebook post sparked multiple customer comments. One said that the cakes at their local supermarket are not that good, and another said, “The leaf cake was the main reason I even got a membership!”

A Costco representative did not immediately respond to a message seeking further comment.
