@ Costco_doesitagainInstagram
When it comes to desserts, the bigger the better. And the Coscto bakery never fails to offer an endless array of absolutely massive sweets, like two-pound red velvet cakes and three-pound cookies. If you prefer your portioned desserts like I do (because I don’t have self-control), you can also get a pack of four chocolate lava cakes that come in their own reusable ceramic pots.
Instagrammer @costco_doesitagain has also seen butter cakes in packs of three on the shelves of the bulk retailer. That means you don’t get one, not two, but three whole pounds of your favorite cake. Even better than the amount of cake is the price: All that butter dough costs only $ 7.99.
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People raved about the recent find in the comment section of the post, and one rated it the “best cupcake EVER.” There were also many great suggestions on how to improve the experience of eating a piece of cake. It’s “perfect with Costco’s vanilla ice cream” and “it’s the best strawberry tart bun,” two fans wrote.
If the cake isn’t your thing, Costco has it covered. Has it been only about five seconds since the retailer launched a new dessert? You can also try their giant brownie tubs and cookie dough that can be eaten raw or baked in delicious treats. Or, if you’re looking for an adult gift, Costco is also selling pre-made gelatin shots that come in 24-cup party packs, so leave room in your fridge ASAP.
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