Coronavirus: Self-isolation period will be extended to 10 days

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The period of time that people in England with coronavirus symptoms have to isolate themselves will increase to 10 days.

Currently, those who have a new continuous cough, high temperature, or loss of taste or smell, have to be isolated for seven days.

But Health Secretary Matt Hancock is expected to announce Thursday that the period is extending.

It comes after the prime minister warned of a second wave of infection.

It is not clear whether delegated nations will follow the lead of the UK government, but the current guidance was adopted across the UK.

There have been concerns about various local outbreaks across the UK, including Oldham, Wrexham and Staffordshire.

The UK requirement for people who tested positive for seven days was always on the low side – many other countries require 10 days or even more.

Since the coronavirus is new, there is a lack of certainty about how long someone remains infectious.

Research shows that a person can have infections two days before symptoms develop and remain infectious during the period they have symptoms. For most, that lasts no more than seven days.

Those with longer symptoms are recommended to continue self-isolation.

But the decision to insist that everyone isolate for 10 days has probably been made for several reasons.

There is strong evidence that people continue to clear the virus after symptoms subside, although the extent to which this poses a risk of passing the infection on to another person is unclear.

Another factor that may have played a role in the decision is that widespread testing is beginning to detect people in the asymptomatic stage.

Under current rules, those who share a home with someone with symptoms of Covid-19 must be isolated for 14 days.

Those returning to the UK from certain countries are also asked to remain in quarantine for 14 days, a move that has sparked complaints from travel companies.

According to the Daily Telegraph, ministers are also looking for a way to reduce the current 14-day quarantine period for arrivals in the UK, meaning that quarantine and self-isolation periods could be standardized.

What are the current rules on self-isolation?

Self-isolation means staying home and not leaving.

People who have coronavirus symptoms should isolate themselves for seven days and arrange to be tested. Symptoms include:

  • a loss or change in your normal sense of taste or smell

Other members of your household should isolate themselves for 14 days and not leave their homes.

If your result is positive, you will be contacted by contact trackers, who will establish who else could have transmitted the infection.

Anyone who believes they are at risk will have to isolate themselves for 14 days from the point of contact.

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