CNN Poll: Most Americans Humiliated by American Response to Coronavirus

The new poll finds disapproval of Trump’s handling of the outbreak at a new high, 58%, as the share that said the worst of the pandemic is yet to come has risen to 55% after falling through the spring. And because the virus has spread from the nation’s cities across the countryside, the number of people diagnosed with the virus jumped dramatically to 67%, up from 40% in early June.

And Americans are angry. About 8 in 10 say they are at least a little angry about the way things are going in the country today, including a surprising 51% who say they are very angry. CNN has been asking this question periodically since 2008, and the previous high for the stock that said they were “very angry” was 35%, reached in 2008 and 2016.

A narrow majority of Americans, 52%, say they are not comfortable being able to return to their regular routines, and in the last two months, the expectations of this group for when they might return to life are so ‘. t it was before the coronavirus changed dramatically. In June, just 9% said in general that they were not comfortable now and did not think they would be this year. Well, that figure stands at 26%.

Two of the most notable markers of returning to regular life – returning to school and restarting professional sports – divide people.

Nearly 6 in 10 (57%) say schools in their area should not be open for instruction this fall, while 39% say they should be open. Otherwise, it is more common to say that schools should open (47%), but a narrow majority say they should not (52%). This issue is sharply driven by partisanship: 74% of Republicans say their local schools should be open vs. closed. 12% of Democrats.

Whether pro-sports should continue after disruption of some Major League Baseball games due to outbursts among the players and staff divides the public over equality: 49% say they should not play games, and 45% say they should.

The partisan divisions that have been the hallmark of public opinion about the coronavirus continue in this new interview.

Democrats (76%) and Independents (58%) are much more likely to say that the least is yet to come in the outbreak than Republicans (26%), and the poll finds a massive gap of 64 points between the Republican and Democrat percentages who say they are comfortable being able to return to their regular routines today (82% among Republicans, 18% among Democrats).

Democrats are almost unanimous in saying they are more embarrassed than proud of the U.S. response to the virus (93% embarrassed, 5% proud), while Republicans are most proud (61% say that vs. 33% who are embarrassed ).

And anger in this election lies more among the supporters of former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for president, than supporters of Trump. In July 2016, 54% of Trump supporters said they were “very angry” about the way things were going in the US; now 34% feel that way. Among Biden’s backers, 75% are very angry, up from 18% of Hillary Clinton’s voters who felt that way.

The survey found a decline in the proportion of Americans who say they would try to vaccinate against the coronavirus if a vaccine became widely available at a low cost: 56% said they would try to do so now, while 66% said they would so felt in May. The dip comes across various demographic divisions, but seems to be concentrated among Trump supporters, 51% of whom said they would seek a vaccine in May compared to 38% who now say the same thing.

However, most Americans are confident that the ongoing efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine will balance the speed and safety well as they progress (62% say they are at least somewhat confident, and 37% are not confident or not). That includes rare cross-party agreement: 68% of Democrats are sure of it, as are 66% of Republicans.

In one positive note for Trump in these findings, his approval rating for treating the economy has ticked up to 51%.

But Americans do not yet see much improvement in the economic downturn caused by th4e coronavirus. In fact, 43% now say the economy continues to deteriorate, up from 36% who felt that way in June. About a quarter (25%) say the economy is starting to recover and 31% think it has stabilized, is no longer deteriorating, but is also not improving yet. About half say they are having financial difficulties due to the coronavirus, a figure that has been holding back since April.

The CNN Poll was conducted by SSRS August 12 to 15 during a random national sample of 1,108 adults reached on landlines or phones by a live interviewer, including 987 registered voters. Results for the whole sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points. It is 4.0 points among registered voters.
