Clyburn to Offer Measure to Rename Voting Bill After John Lewis

“Congressman Clyburn is offering legislation to rename the HR 4 John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act tomorrow. The name change is expected to be passed unanimously,” Clyburn spokeswoman Hope Derrick said in a statement. Sunday.

The House passed the measure in December that would reinstate a key part of the landmark Voting Rights Act that the Supreme Court struck down in 2013. Democrats have lobbied the Republican-controlled Senate to adopt the legislation after the approval in early April. This month from Lewis, a longtime Georgia congressman and icon of the Civil Rights Movement.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has so far refused to put the legislation to a vote.

Clyburn, a Democrat representing South Carolina, said last week that the best way to honor Lewis’s life is for the Senate to consider the measure.
John Lewis makes the final journey across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in a horse-drawn drawer

“I think that Trump and the Senate leadership, Mitch McConnell, for their actions if they celebrate this man’s heroism in this way, then we are going to work and pass that bill because it is established in the way that the Supreme Court asked us to do. let’s introduce “. “He told CNN’s Jake Tapper about” State of the Union. ”

“And if the President signed that, then I think that’s what we would do to honor John. It should be the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of 2020. That’s the way to do it. Words can be powerful, but facts are lasting, “he said.

Lewis was one of the organizers of a 1965 voting rights march that turned violent when participants were attacked by police as they attempted to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, in a scene known as “Bloody Sunday. ” Lewis himself suffered skull fractures during the attack.

The images from that day shocked the nation and galvanized support for the 1965 Voting Rights Act that was enacted later that year by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
