Cleveland officials link 11 Covid-19 cases to pre-debate planning and set-up

At least 11 positive COVID-19 cases have been planned and set up before the presidential debate on Tuesday, Cleveland officials said Friday.

It is unclear how those individuals transmitted the virus, but City Hall noted that in order to enter the event, everyone identified as being present had to be tested. Most of the cases have occurred with individuals from outside the state, and no city dwellers have been infected with the virus in connection with the debate.

Advising on health precautions in the debate, the Cleveland Clinic said Friday evening that those who tested positive “never entered the debate hall.”

“These individuals were either members of the media or were scheduled to do logistics / set-up work in the days prior to the event. Separating while waiting for test results. “

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The announcement came amid news that President Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and eventually moved to Verter Reed Medical Center “under the pretext of caution.” Former Vice President Joe Biden, who discussed Trump on Tuesday, and his wife Jill both tested negative.

Cleveland officials said the city contacts, interviews and issues isolation orders for individuals who test positive. “There were also conversations with individuals who tested positive for their next trip.”

In addition to Trump, his campaign manager, Bill Stepian, tested positive for the virus, as did former New Jersey Gov. Christy Christie and White House adviser Hope Hicks.

President Trump’s party on Tuesday refused to wear a mask despite the need for space to do so in a presidential debate, and they turned down a Cleveland Clinic employee who offered to cover his face.

The only exception at this point was Trump, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his mask rule for moderator Chris Wallace.

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The Cleveland Clinic said Friday that it believes the risk is lower given the precautions guests have taken.

“Based on what we know about the virus and the security measures we took, we believe that the risk of exposure to our guests is low. Due to the multiplicity of precautions, we are reaching out to our guests to address any questions and concerns.” Read a statement.

Tyler Olson and Chris Valace of Fox News contributed to this report.