Everyone knows that the only thing better than actually eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch at the end is drinking the delicious cinnamon-flavored cereal milk. (Or it’s like the ‘dust’ of your fingers when you eat cereal out of the box – just me?) Anyway, if you’re looking for more Cinnamon Toast Crunch in your life, B&G Foods just announced that Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnadust will be released in stores.
This game is exactly how it sounds: a shaker filled with all the goodies of cinnamon sugar you will find on Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The mixture has vanilla, caramel and graham flavors, to be exact, and can basically be placed anywhere. Popcorn? Better with this stuff I’m sure. A baked sweet potato? Yes, make sure it is covered with Cinnadust. A bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Why not top with more flavor ??? The possibilities are endless.
Fortunately, you do not have to wait very long to get your hands on a shaker. It will be available from September 1 exclusively at Sam’s Club locations, according to the People Magazine report. Here, you can expect it to hit 2021. more stores and online retailers. Until then, just keep breaking down grains and putting on everything … it has gotten us so far!
If you are looking for more flavors of Cinnamon Toast Crunch right this second, the market has fortunately been very busy, and you can currently find Cinnamon Toast Crunch coffee grounds, flavoring pills and ice cream. The more things with Cinnadust to top, I always said!
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