Christopher Nolan’s new movie start is delayed again, this time until August

Warner Bros. has once again delayed the mysterious new movie from The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan. Tenet’s release date is now set for August 12, after a recent delay that has delayed its release from mid-July to July 31.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. is pushing the release date once again due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in the United States.

Warner Bros. has released some of its other movies on streaming services, including Scoob !, but the movie company won’t do this for Tenet, even if it means multiple delays.

“Warner Bros. is committed to bringing Tenet to the public in theaters, on the big screen, when exhibitors are ready and public health officials say it is time,” a spokesperson told THR. “Right now, what we need to be is flexible, and we are not treating this as a traditional movie release. We are choosing to open the movie midweek to allow the public to discover the movie in their own time, and we plan to play more. time, over a period of extended play beyond the norm, to develop a very different but successful launch strategy. “

Just a few weeks ago, Tenet was expected to premiere in July as the first major movie to hit theaters after they closed due to the coronavirus. Many other films saw their releases roll back, in some cases through major windows, as was the case with Fast and Furious 9, which was delayed from last May until 2021.

Tenet, written and directed by Nolan, stars Robert Pattinson, John David Washington, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Martin Donovan, Kenneth Branagh, and Elizabeth Debicki, plus Michael Caine, who played Alfred in Nolan’s Batman movies.

The film remains a mystery in terms of its plot and story. Pattinson recently said the film is like the “best spinning trick you’ve ever seen.”

Meanwhile, several of Nolan’s past films, including Inception, Batman Begins, and The Prestige, will air within Fortnite today, June 26. A Tenet teaser recently premiered inside Fortnite.

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Playing now: Fortnite – Tenet Trailer Revealed at Party Royale (Live Event)