Christopher Nolan’s ‘beginning’ delays release to August amid spike in COVID-19 cases

Last week, movie circuits said they will be up and running in mid to late July, but that could now change due to the increase in cases and the lack of great photos of summer events. Cinemas in Los Angeles and New York City, the country’s two largest movie markets, are especially concerning, while several states are also seeing an increase in cases. Insiders say Warners and Nolan are following signs from the exhibition community to bring the film to August 12, on a Wednesday.

$ 200 million from Nolan Beginning It was originally slated to roll out on July 17, but Warners recently pushed the movie two weeks to allow theaters to reopen. The filmmaker has stood by with the intention of providing a boost to distressed movie owners and making their film available as soon as it is safe to do so.

“Warner Bros. agrees to bring Beginning to the public in theaters, on the big screen, when exhibitors are ready and public health officials say it is time. Right now, what we need to be is flexible, and we are not treating this as a traditional movie release, “a studio spokesperson said in a statement.” We are choosing to open the film midweek to allow the public to discover the film. in his own time, and we plan to play longer, during an extended game period beyond the norm, to develop a very different but successful launch strategy. “

Little is known about Beginning, apart from having to do with international espionage and dealing with continuous time. John David Washington leads a cast that includes Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Kenneth Branagh and Michael Caine.

The vast majority of cinemas across the country have been closed since the latter part of March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

From now on, Solstice Studios’s Deranged, starring Russell Crowe and the Sony / TriStar romantic comedy The broken hearts gallery They are slated to open nationwide on July 10 and July 17, respectively.