You don’t mind coming, and the total bleeding time of a woman’s life is 3.7 to 8.7 years! Research report “Auntie” from Hangzhou-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Network


You don’t mind coming, and the total bleeding time of a woman’s life is 3.7 to 8.7 years! Hangzhou “Auntie” Research Report

Metropolis Express Report Today is International Women’s Day, March 8, honoring all the women who shine silently in everyday life.

Under the double pressure of work and family, modern women tend to ignore health problems. Today, let’s talk about women’s health, focusing on “great-aunt.” This “relative” going through the first half of a woman’s life is often embarrassed to be brought up because the subject is too private. Some women have insufficient knowledge of “elder aunt” and related diseases.

“Aunt” is the common name for menstruation. The body of all women of the right age will prepare for pregnancy once a month: the ovaries ovulate once a month. As the follicle develops, the level of estrogen and progesterone continues to rise, and the endometrium will grow and thicken. When the follicle develops to a certain level, ovulation will occur. At this time, if there is a combination of sperm and egg, the combined fertilized egg will adhere to the thickened endometrium and a new life will begin. But if you are not pregnant, the level of estrogen and progesterone will drop dramatically, and the originally thickened endometrium will turn into necrosis and exfoliation. When the endometrium falls off, there will be a small amount of bleeding, which is menstrual blood. It can be said that the endometrium is equivalent to a culture field, every month before and after ovulation, the female body will cultivate this field so that it can accommodate the implantation of sperm and eggs in the best state every month. Menstrual blood is the metabolism and sacrifice that women make every month to prepare for pregnancy.

“Auntie” is a “frequent visitor”. Taking the first menstrual cramps of a normal woman at 12 years old and the menstrual cessation at 50 years, during these 38 years, excluding pregnancy and lactation, she experiences approximately one menstruation each month, and each menstrual cramp lasts from 3 to 7 days, which is equivalent to experiencing 456 menstrual cramps. In total, each woman has a total of 3.7 to 8.7 years of “bleeding” in her lifetime.

However, the “older aunt” is an uncomfortable procrastinator. Almost all women will encounter “older aunts” and “troublesome” such as menstruation related problems such as dysmenorrhea, large or small menstrual blood volume, irregular cycles, long or too short menstrual periods and so on.

In 2017, the “White Paper on Women’s Physical Health in China” published by CBN’s Business Data Center, based on 100,000 active users, found that 19.6% of women have irregular menstrual cycles and 60% of women have symptoms of dysmenorrhea. Another “White Paper on Women’s Health in China 2020” noted that 1/5 of women have severe abnormal menstrual cycles (menstrual cycle days less than 21 days or menstrual cycle days longer than 35 days), and more than 20% of women have dysmenorrhea Back pain and abdominal pain are the main symptoms of women during menstruation.

A Metropolis Express journalist conducted a small survey with a questionnaire in a female community of 145 people and collected 138 copies. The age distribution of 138 women is as follows: 20-30 years represented 28%, 30-40 years represented 37%, 40-50 years represented 30% and over 50 years represented 5%. Among them, 93% of people have a menstrual cycle in the range of 21 to 35 days, and 92% have a menstrual period of 3 to 7 days. 68% of women said they had different degrees of dysmenorrhea each time they had their menstrual periods, 64% of women said they had mild back pain or pain during menstruation, 23% of women had obvious swelling and 13% had severe pain, which affected work. and life. 53% of women think their menstrual blood volume is normal and the rest think it is abnormal.

I really can’t underestimate “her”. Once the “older aunt” has problems such as dysmenorrhea, large or small menstrual blood volume, irregular cycles, long or short menstrual periods, etc., she can bear it lightly, affecting her work and life. In severe cases, the uterus needs to be removed, leading to cancer and even shock and other life-threatening situations.

Dysmenorrhea is the most obvious somatosensory disease of the “aunt”. Many patients with dysmenorrhea are “dead to death.” Some people vomit, some pass out, some bang their head against the wall, and some people describe dysmenorrhea as more painful than having a child.

If the amount of “great aunt” is less, you will feel if you are getting old, if you are no longer young and beautiful, especially women who have reduced menstrual flow or even amenorrhea in their 30s, and they will panic.

A large amount is not enough. This is not because the body is detoxifying, but it may indicate that there is a problem in a certain part of the gynecology department, such as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, and even endometrial cancer.

“Big Aunt” is irregular, this month will not come next month, this month will come once in 28 days, next month will only come 40 days, and then next month 15 days …

The average age of Chinese women at menopause is around 50, and they have “early menopause” before age 45. The “aunt” is not coming, does that mean you are older? So is there any way to intervene in this?

As one of the “barometers” of women’s gynecological health, there are too many questions about “great aunts.” In this edition of “Deep 8 Degrees”, we invited the best gynecologists from various hospitals in Hangzhou to talk about “elder aunt” and the causes, symptoms, treatment methods, etc. of the disease once she is abnormal, and solemnly serve as women Friends recommended 40 “menstruation experts” from Hangzhou and sent a wave of women’s health benefits for the “March 8 Festival”.

I wish all the friends good health and good humor!

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Source: City Express Author: Correspondent Zhang Yu Jin Jing Zhang Huili Chen Yanru, Zinc Chief Reporter Yu Sissy Editor: High Tingting
