The body is full of spirits: Ningxia held an event to appreciate the memory of human organ donors


Original title: The body is full of spirits: Ningxia held an event to appreciate the memory of human organ donors.

The sky is gloomy and Qingshan is silent. On the eve of the Ching Ming Festival, at the Ningxia Human Organ Donation and Remains Memorial Park in Songhe Cemetery, Yinchuan City, more than 400 people held chrysanthemums in their hands to cherish the memory of the dead who gave the ” gift of life “.

The donor monument is heavily engraved with the names of donors, some of which are freshly engraved, and the painting is still shiny. “Donate the body”, “donate the organ”, “donate the cornea” … Behind each name there is a story of dedication.

Ningxia Monument to Donation of Human Remains and Organs. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Lijuan)

Guan Hongzhi (pseudonym) was at the end of the crowd, staring at the stele with red eyes, his mother’s name was also on the stele. His father was seriously ill and recovered with the help of all sectors of society. His mother was very grateful. In 2018, her mother was in a car accident and voluntarily donated her body to Ningxia Medical University.

At the scene, 40 students from Ningxia Medical University mourned the silent mentor. “We call the deceased who donated their bodies as ‘Masters in General’. They used their last dedication to pave the way for human health and medical progress. They are noble and great,” said Wang Xiaorui, a freshman majoring in infirmary in Ningxia. Medical University.

The first thing Wang Xiaorui did for the first time in anatomy class was mourn “Master General”. “At that time, I was in awe of body donors, and suddenly I realized the responsibility and mission of a medical student. In the future, I must save the dying and heal the wounded, benefit society and let the light of life be transmitted. “

Medical staff from Yinchuan City, Ningxia paid tribute to the remains and organ donors and presented flowers. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Lijuan)

Gifts, extend the life span. Since the Ningxia Red Cross began organ donation efforts following the death of citizens in 2015, more than 11,000 people have signed up to volunteer for human body and organ (cornea) donation. 65 cases have donated cadavers and 1 case has made an organ donation. It saved the lives of 4 patients with organ failure, 3 implemented corneal donations and brought to light 9 patients with eye diseases.

It is understood that since 2015, organ donation after the death of a citizen has become the only legal source of donors for organ transplants in my country. “Although the number of organ donations is increasing every year, it is far from meeting clinical needs,” said Liu Yanping, vice president of the Ningxia Red Cross Society. It is particularly important to advertise organ donation and change public perceptions and concepts. . At present, all major hospitals in Ningxia have established publicity points for human organ donation, with coordinators and information officers throughout the district.

Those who came to cherish the memory signed their names and volunteered to become organ donors. (Contributed by the respondent)

In the memorial garden, there is a sign with the signature “I volunteer to be a Chinese organ donor.” Many people who came to appreciate the souvenir scan the QR code above to join the group of volunteers or consult with the Red Cross volunteers on the spot. Organ donation is important.

“Practice the promise of life and pass on the love of the world.” Zhang Xiaoyu, 30, took an oath in front of the monument and decided to volunteer for organ donation. During the three years as a ceremonial reception at Songhe Cemetery, she met many organ donation volunteers and some were buried in the cemetery where she worked.

“Little by little their stories and their attitude towards life touched me. I had never thought about donation before. Each of us is normal. At the end of life, we can donate ourselves so that those in need can be reborn and our own. life be more satisfied, “he said. (Reporter Ma Lijuan)Return to Sohu to see more


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