Years later, 80% of the company can take back 80% of the company to give employees red envelopes on the spot.


On February 9, Diai Zhikong Technology Co., Ltd. in Zhuji, Zhejiangthe company(Hereinafter referred to as “Diai Zhikong”) in the open space of the canteen, nearly 400 pieces of ingredients for New Year’s Eve were carefully stacked, including food ingredients cooked in the canteen on New Year’s Eve, and gift packets of lettuce distributed directly to employees for their own kitchen.

Unlike in the past, more than 90% of non-local employees would choose to go home for the New Year. DIAI Zhikong board secretary Chen Yuyan told reporters that through a series of poignant political retentions, 80% of the company’s non-local employees elected this year to Stay for the Year. New.

In addition to the repeated epidemics, many places advocated celebrating the New Year in the place,companyThe biggest motivation for retaining people for the New Year also includes not having to worry about whether non-local employees can get back to work on time after the holidays.

Chen Yuyan said that although the company’s total new labor costs for retaining people during the New Year are expected to exceed one million yuan, “they can be recovered after the year.”

  More than 80% of companies issued red envelopes

Chen Yuyan told the CBN reporter that they made “due adjustments” to employees for the local Chinese New Year. Considering that many employees have rented a house or live in the house of the husband and wife of the company, they have the conditions to cook, but not necessarily wanting to come. Eating at the canteen, then I bought a gift packet of lettuce to provide the dishes needed for New Year’s Eve dinner. These ingredients will be delivered to employees in the afternoon.

For employees who live in dormitories, because they do not have the conditions to cook. Or if family members come from elsewhere to celebrate the New Year together, the dining room will evenly prepare dishes cooked on New Year’s Eve, and they can pick it up from the dining room. They can choose to eat in the dining room or take them back to the bedroom.

This “New Year’s Eve dinner” prepared for the different needs of employees is not only a humanized plan drawn up by Chen Yuyan and others after due diligence, but can also avoid “large-scale meeting activities.”

CIIC Consulting has recently released the 2021 Chinese New Year Business Employee New Year and Rewards StatusInvestigationThe Report (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”) shows that more than 80% of companies require / encourage employees to celebrate the New Year on the spot, and the proportion of manufacturing companies that require / encourage employees to celebrate the New Year in the place is slightly higher than that of non-manufacturing companies; Among companies that celebrate the New Year on site, nearly 50% of companies said they would take steps to encourage their employees to celebrate the New Year on the spot. In terms of industries, 74% of manufacturing companies said they would take steps to encourage employees to celebrate the New Year on the spot.

According to the “Report”, common measures by companies to encourage employees to celebrate Chinese New Year on site include preparations for New Years benefits / allowances (65%), issuance of red envelopes / rewards in cash (55%) and the creation of special honors for the remaining employees (25%).

Among them, almost 60% of companies prepare New Year gift packages for their employees and take vacations after the holidays.trafficThe average allowance is 750 yuan per person; more than 80% of companies deliver red envelopes orcousin, The average fee is 653 yuan per person; Other incentive measures include organizing company end-of-year dinners / parties, which have also become common forms of activities, such as holding the Spring Festival / consolation for local employees; 70% of companies organize employees to go home after the holidays.

The “Report” collected 510 samples of private, foreign and state companies, of whichmanufacturingThe sample represented almost 40%.

For Diai Zhikong, this “keeping people for the New Year” is a waste. According to Chen Yuyan, the company gives employees who are not in Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Yiwu 1,000 yuan per person to stay in Zhuji during the New Year. At the same time, all employees who started work between 1 and 18 February will be increased by 0.5 times the original standard salary. If it is a national legal holiday, they will betargetAdd 0.5 times to the standard, “For example, if the legal wages on the first day of the year are calculated as 3 times, we will use 3.5 times.” Total new labor costs are expected to exceed 1 million yuan.

Zhejiang Quanxing Precision Co., Ltd. also decided to deliver 1,000 yuan red New Year envelopes and 500 yuan start-up red envelopes to employees who stayed for the New Year, and they organizedOvertimeEmployees, can enjoy 3 times salary and 150 yuan per day of additional reward.

Heimao Shen Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. gave a statement “to all employees who stayed over the New YearDouble salary“The policy, along with the cost of chartering some employees home, etc., the company will spend more than 1 million yuan for this Spring Festival than in previous years.

In addition to giving red envelopes to those who left the New Year, Tingmei Chuangzhi (Zhejiang) Apparel Co., Ltd. specially added the “Little Bee Spirit Award” this year. Fang Yuxing, president of the company, told China Business News that This award will be awarded to the production line.the playThe 7 best employees with the longest time will each receive a reward of 3,000 yuan. But to achieveoperating hoursAt best, if you can’t get back to work smoothly after returning to your hometown for the New Year, you will definitely have less time to get started than other people and you won’t be able to get the reward.

  “I can get it back next year”

Businesses spend more than a million to retain people for the New Year, so are there financial pressures?

In Chen Yuyan’s words, “You can get it back next year.”

He explained that during the 2020 Spring Festival, a large number of non-local employees were unable to return to work in time after returning to their hometown due to the epidemic, but the company still had to pay for these employees.Basic salaryIf a similar situation is repeated during the Spring Festival this year, it will be a greater burden on companies. Therefore, the doubling of wages and various security expenses to “retain people for the New Year” cannot be called a “loss”, but rather the cost that the company can recover after the start of the New Year of the Ox.

Currently, the part of DIproductOrders received are in queue until May 2021. According to the plan, the company will open 70% of its production lines on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, so that orders can be fulfilled.ShippingIt is also possible to allow hundreds of employees to stay in the local area to work and earn money. “Anyone who is willing to go to work can organize work beyond the four-day vacation.”

Under the global epidemic, a large number of Chinese manufacturing companies have opened the opportunity for an increase in foreign trade orders, and the labor demand is more pressing than in previous years.

For Fang Yuxing, the biggest motivation for retaining people for the New Year is to no longer have to worry about whether non-local employees can resume work in time after the holidays, before the Spring Festival holidays officially began. , hisfactoryWorking overtime almost every night to catch up on merchandise, orders on hand doubled compared to the same period in previous years. He told reporters that these orders should continue to work after the Spring Festival, and if returnees can return to work on time.SendThe above is directly related to the start of the entire production line.

Based on the company’s own motivation to retain employees, many governments have successively introduced policies to support the continued growth of companies in worker retention.

Taking Shaoxing as an example, the section “About supportindustry“Various opinions on the retention and steady growth of enterprises” clearly indicated that Shaoxing city regulationsIndustrial businessIf the value of industrial production in the first quarter of this year is not less than the value of average production in the third and fourth quarters of last year, 100,000 yuan will be awarded. Ningbo, Wenzhou and other places have also awarded different rewards to companies based on production value, up to 200,000 yuan.

Shaoxing workmanshipSocial SecurityThe bureau has previously revealed to China Business News that more than 200 manufacturing companies in Shaoxing will not suspend operations during the Spring Festival.

The aforementioned “Report” states that regarding the “New Year’s Day” of the employees, the company said that the current problems encountered are mainly reflected in three aspects: the management of local employees, the New Year’s standard on-site benefits / subsidies for peer companies and the country’s politics.

In the case of not advocating for large-scale collection activities, the “Report” suggests that companies can increase the form of online entertainment to enrich the recreational activities of local employees; At the same time, they conduct operational safety and epidemic prevention orientation and distribute epidemic prevention materials to employees and daily monitor the health and travel range of employees,borrowReflect on the “one person supervises one person” approach taken by some companies to strengthen employee healthSecurity Administration

(Source: China Business News)

(Responsible editor: DF520)

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