Xinhua Times Review: Pudong Interprets “Upward Power” From 24 Meters To 632 Meters | Reform and opening-Sina Finance


Original title: Xinhua Times Review: From 24 to 632 meters, Pudong interprets “rising power”

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, November 10, title: From 24 to 632 meters, Pudong interprets “rising power”

Xinhua News Agency reporters Ji Ming and He Xinrong

How much has Pudong changed in the last 30 years? A set of “height difference” figures may speak: Pudong’s tallest building that year was a 24-meter-high fire observation tower; Today, the landmark of Pudong is the tallest building in China – the 632-meter Shanghai Tower.

With 1/8000 of the country’s land, it has created 1/80 of GDP and gained 55 “national firsts” in terms of finance, trade and management systems … New cities grow from farmland and thrive in sterility . All day it grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What’s behind the Pudong miracle? In short: “Eat reform, take an open road, and play innovative cards.”

Reform and opening up is a basic national policy, and the development and opening up of Pudong is a national strategy. From the country’s first new district, the first comprehensive support reform pilot to the first free trade zone, according to statistics, every five years or so, a major reform and opening-up task falls to Pudong.

It is the national strategy that leads the development and opening of Pudong, and the sense of innovation goes through the development and opening of Pudong. Where does the money for development come from? This is the first question reformers encounter. Do not wait, do not trust, an innovative approach that can be considered a classic case of business schools was born in Pudong: a development company signed a contract with the government for the transfer of land, a third-party trust company provided funds, and the government issued a land use permit. This kind of “empty fund transfer and actual land transfer” is now widely known, but at the time it fully demonstrated the courage and wisdom of the reformers.

Taking institutional innovation as a pioneer, Pudong has broken through all obstacles in its development and openness. From the negative list of foreign investment, the “one-stop shop” of international trade to the free trade account, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has focused on a number of core and core system innovations, and they have been replicated and promoted 328 achievements across the country.

The most fundamental background for the development and openness of Pudong is the feelings of the people. Development is for the people, development depends on the people and the fruits of development are shared by the people. There is a vivid interpretation in Pudong:Lujiazui“Inch of land and inch of gold”, a central green space of 100,000 square meters has been turned into a registration area of ​​”net celebrities”; the 22-kilometer shoreline of the Huangpu River on the east bank of the Huangpu River has “Wangjiang stations” every 1 kilometer for the leisure and entertainment of citizens; Shanghai On the 22nd floor of the Central Building, a special area is established to build the Financial City Party and Mass Service Center, where party members and the masses relive their original intentions every day.

The reform is deep and the development is high. In 2020, facing major changes not seen in a century and uncertainty caused by the new corona pneumonia epidemic, Pudong, holding the banner of development and openness high, will continue to advance on the journey of a new era. The significance of the Pudong window in the future lies not only in the rapidity with which it develops, nor in the size of the total quantity, but in fully demonstrating the strong vitality and vigor of socialism with Chinese characteristics to the world.

At night, the skyscrapers on the east bank of the Huangpu River are brilliantly illuminated and the spiral shape of downtown Shanghai becomes more and more striking. Reform and openness engendered “rising power”, we must place ourselves firmly on the “right side” of history. Pudong, the most powerful “post-90”, will continue to show China’s paths and plans to the world and write a new chapter in China’s reform and opening-up.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Liu Wanli SF014
