Xie Zhigang: Be a “bridge man” so that poverty alleviation results can benefit the majority of people


Original title: Xie Zhigang: Be a “bridge man” so that poverty alleviation results can benefit the majority of people

Talking with Xie Zhigang, we can find that this is a grassroots cadre with clear thinking and extremely motivated.In August last year, he came to Zhiduo County, Yushu Prefecture, Qinghai Province, from Fengtai District, as a member from the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and county vice mayor to initiate a three-year counterpart support.jobs

When I first came to Zhiduo, here with Xie ZhigangImagineChina’s “poor counties” are a little different: the fight against poverty is nearing a tipping point and the lives of herders have improved enormously.

Getting rid of poverty and getting rich is just the first step. How to seamlessly connect the fight against poverty with rural revitalization and get rich is a proposal left to Xie Zhigang.

industryprosperousCommon peopleOnly income can grow steadily. “Xie Zhigang believes that through” two carefree, three guarantees “and small and microcompanyprovidejobSendSuch measures have helped the locals to get rid of poverty, but in the final analysis, they have to depend on the industry to get rich.

  Plateau Yak embarks on the path of green industry

When it comes to grass, nobody seems to be better than the locals. Take the cows out in the morning and come back in the evening. It doesn’t matter how much cows eat outside. If there is no grass in the winter, just feed some plain forage. Leaving cows for a lifetime is probably the life of a herder.

Zhiduo County belongs to the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province. It is located on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. The county has an average elevation of 4,500 meters. The local population are mostly pastoralists and their livelihood is yak farming.

Xie Zhigang is no stranger to yak, he used to be in BeijingmarketIt is available for sale, but it is not common.InvestigationLater, he found out that the higher the yak’s altitudequalityBetter, the quality of the yak here is excellent.National marketIt is well recognized on the site, but neverIndustrializationThe heart of the problem is the supply.

Under the fundamental premise of ecological priority, perfect the yaksupply chainIndustrial chainIt has become Xie Zhigang’s top priority: “The government is leading, grasping the green priority of the industry and not going off the beaten path. When it comes to industrial construction, companies are more knowledgeable.

Helped introduce the major animal husbandry enterprises in Qinghai province to invest in the local area. He hoped that the companies could bring capital, technology, market, and exemplary function to Zhiduo, and help local livestock raise it well, sell it, and sell it at higher prices.

Obviously, the natural storage method continued for generations by local ancestors cannot meet development requirements. On the one hand, Xie Zhigang asked the company to provide professional and technical personnel on-site to improve and change the grazing technology and the concept of local herders; On the other hand, he also contacted the Qinghai University Livestock College, Let the experts enter the pastoral area, focus on yak husbandry research, to ensure that the breed does not degenerate.

At this stage, the company has signed a contract with the local area to rent a 5,000 square meter complex. The first floor is used as a canned yak meat production line, and the second and third floors are used as hotels. At the same time, an exhibition hall will be opened to show the deep processing.productAnd yak culture.

Ideally, the integral building can be renovated next spring. Xie Zhigang hopes that the demonstration effect brought by the company can also boost agriculture in the county.cooperative, Let them gradually change their development thinking, come closer to organic animal husbandry and realize their own revitalization from the “root”.

  The results of poverty alleviation must fall on the “people”

The key to revitalizing the “roots” lies in the “people.” Taking the development of the yak industry as an example, Xie Zhigang hopes that eventually herders can transform themselves from natural herders into professional herders without having to leave their places of origin.

He is very clear about the relationship between industry and “people”, one is the way and the other is the purpose. He repeatedly said,Industrial developmentNo matter how good it is, if a person does not achieve employment, skill improvement, or income growth, they will not be considered to get rid of poverty and get rich.

How can poverty alleviation outcomes cover the majority of people? Xie Zhigang believes that this must depend more on the power of Beijing, and he is the “bridge builder” himself.

As soon as he arrived in Zhiduo, he coordinated the various commissions and offices of the Fengtai district to which he belonged, coordinated with local Zhiduo departments, and provided personalized assistance. For example, in terms of education, on the one hand, he coordinated the district teachers from Fengtai to Zhiduo for training and support; On the other hand, he planned to organize Zhiduo students in Beijing next year to study and live with Fengtai students for 20 days to deepen understanding and friendship. .

Having lived in the plains for a long time, Xie Zhigang is deeply impressed by the Tibetan Kham culture with local characteristics. The culture industry does not destroy the ecological environment, but can also solve employment and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the locals.

The first draft of the play “Symphony of Happiness”, rehearsed by Fengtai and Zhiduo, has been published. Two performances are planned for later this year. Next year there will be a large-scale performance, which will tell the story of the two places coming together in a well-off society, as well as the local customs and landscape of the plateau.Xie Zhigang hopes to be more effectiveborrowWith the “fire” of the play, the local tourism and cultural industry will develop.

It also coupled the powerful Fengtai garment companies for the local garment factory, bringing advanced technology, market and management experience to further control, and the specific plan is being formulated. The jade culture has also started. Xie Zhigang went to the Jewelery School of China Geosciences University, and asked the experts to inspect the composition and structure of the local jade at the site and promote the jade culture without destroying or mining.

  “I will make it up to my family when I get back”

Xie Zhi has just received treatment for more than a year and it has become the norm to continue working with mild altitude sickness.

He personally felt that the altitude sickness would not be completely eliminated, dizziness, headache, insomnia, high blood pressure, stiffness of the cervical spine, mild mitral valve regurgitation … these symptoms appeared almost every day. Before I did not know the pain of insomnia, but now I go to bed at 12 at night and wake up at 3 in the morning, I only sleep less than 4 hours a day.

The plateau will also amplify the symptoms of some “stubborn diseases.” On the first day of treatment, Xie Zhigang felt excruciating pain in his tailbone. The attending physician considered that it could be urosacral bursitis. Due to the inconvenience of local filming and medical treatment, he would lie down for a while whenever he felt pain. After a week, the symptoms gradually eased.

Compared to his “suffering” ahead, it is his family in Beijing that is really affected. Xie Zhigang’s lover works in an agency and caught up with the two epidemics earlier in the year and in the middle of the year. Work was extremely hectic. The boy is in high school and his parents are not in good health. “When I leave, she will have to take care of all the family matters.”

Especially during the new outbreak, Xie Zhigang’s wife, as a cadre in Fengtai District, had a sudden increase in workload. Get up early every day to prepare two meals in the morning and at noon,WarrantyChildren who take online lessons at home will not be hungry at nightOvertimeI can’t really take care of that so I can only order takeout for my kids.

“One Person Supports, Whole Family Supports” is a sentence everyone in poverty alleviation cadres knows. It’s eight simple words that Xie Zhi choked on as soon as he said them, and his voice gradually became unable to form a sentence in the short description.

“Thank them for supporting me. When I return, I can make it up to you. Let’s finish the housework first,” Xie Zhigang said.


  “The industry is booming,Common peopleIncome can grow steadily “

  Beijing News:For poor areas, how to support most of “quenching thirst”?

  Xie Zhigang:The most effective is industry. The only way to build the industry is to let the local herders orCommon peopleOnly when they truly integrate into the industry can they have sustained revenue growth. Building roads, building schools, and building hospitals is what we must do to help, but in terms of sustainability, we still need industries. This is the basis of industrial development. Only when the industry is prosperous can people’s incomes grow steadily.

For Qinghai, an unshakable prerequisite for industrial development is ecological protection. “The greatest value, the greatest responsibility, the greatest potential,” these three greatest are in ecology. For this reason, we opted to moderately develop organic farming under the premise of giving priority to ecological protection.

  Beijing News:How to understand the different roles of government and business in poverty alleviation work?

  Xie Zhigang:Frankly speaking, I used to work in party building in government departments and had fewer opportunities to contact companies. This time I restored some understanding when I came to Zhiduo. Government and business play different roles in alleviating poverty and must cooperate with each other.

The government is leading, including capturing the direction of industrial development and creating regional publics.BrandAs well as the hardware construction of the base infrastructure and workshops. These conditions have been created, what did the company do?

The companies have technology, personnel, markets, plans and ideas for the development of the entire industrial chain.business brandOnly through integration with the government’s regional public brand can the local brand be truly developed. Companies not only provide investment, but also play an exemplary and guiding role. There are 21 cooperatives in Zhido and companies can encourage cooperatives to develop the ecological zone together.

(Source: Beijing News)

(Editor in charge: DF075)

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