Xi Jinping has been paying close attention to this place | Ecological protection | Poverty Alleviation | Qinghai_Sina News


Original title: Xi Jinping has always paid close attention to this place

Xinhuanet Jin Jiaxu

  [学习进行时]On March 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberations of the Qinghai delegation at the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress. Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the development of Qinghai, and many issues have been repeatedly mentioned. Xinhua news agency’s “Learning in Progress” original branded column “Workshop” posted articles for you to review and rate.

On March 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberations of the Qinghai delegation at the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress.

Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the development of Qinghai. Ecological protection, poverty alleviation and development of Qinghai and national unity, these issues have been repeatedly mentioned by Xi Jinping, who embodies his concern and concern for the development of Qinghai.

  Talk about ecological protection

  —— Make sure “a river of clear water flows east”

Open the map of China, China’s largest salt lake is located in Qinghai, and the three main rivers, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and the Lancang River, all originated from Qinghai. Qinghai is not only a treasure trove of ecological resources, but also an ecological safety barrier. It has an important position and plays a special role in ecological protection.

Xi Jinping has always paid great attention to the ecological protection of Qinghai, especially the protection of the Three Rivers Fountain and other important issues.

“There are no substitutes for the green environment. It is difficult to use or lose.” Five years ago, when attending the Qinghai delegation to the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress, Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of the ecological environment. to Qinghai. He requested that the national park system of China’s three river sources be put to the test to coordinate the promotion of green projects, energy conservation and emission reduction, environmental improvement and construction of beautiful urban and rural areas, and to build a national ecological safety barrier. , for Qinghai to become a beautiful business card for beautiful China.

Xi Jinping used “eyes” and “life” as metaphors, and emphasized that in the construction of ecological environmental protection, we must establish a comprehensive, long-term and holistic vision, insist on protection first, adhere to national policy Basic of saving resources and protecting the environment, and protecting as eyes the ecological environment, treating the ecological environment as life and promoting the formation of green development methods and lifestyles.

Five months after the meeting, Xi Jinping came to Qinghai for an inspection to further see the implementation and raise the requirements.

“Protecting the source of the Three Rivers is an important policy determined by the Central Committee of the Party.” Xi Jinping emphasized that the ecological status of Qinghai is important and special, and it must take great responsibility to protect the Three Rivers source and protect the “Chinese Water Tower”.

As for how to protect the local ecology, Xi Jinping put forward more specific requirements: insist on prioritizing protection, insist on the combination of natural and artificial restoration, start from reality, fully implement the planning requirements of the main functional area and Ensuring the main function of national ecological security. Fully reinforced. It is necessary to coordinate the promotion of ecological engineering, energy conservation and emission reduction, environmental improvement and construction of beautiful urban and rural areas, strengthen the construction of nature reserves, do a good job in the national park system of three rivers. pilot, strengthen ecological protection in the area around Qinghai Lake, strengthen desertification control, alpine grassland construction, and improve the return of pasture to rangeland, return of farmland to forest and rangeland , and the construction of the Three-North refuge forest, strengthen energy conservation, emission reduction and comprehensive environmental management to ensure that “a river of clear water flows east.”

Building an ecological civilization is of great importance for Qinghai, China and even for the development and progress of human civilization.

“Sanjiangyuan National Park is China’s first pilot national park system. China implements a national park system to maintain the authenticity and integrity of natural ecosystems, protect biodiversity, protect ecological safety barriers, and leave precious things for them. Future generations.In August 2019, when Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the first National Parks Forum, he pointed out that this is an important measure for China to promote natural ecological protection, build a beautiful China, and promote the harmonious coexistence of man. and nature.

  Talk about poverty alleviation and development.

  —— “Find the appropriate ‘poor roots’ and write them down clearly”

The soaring Kunlun Mountains, the vast source of three rivers. Qinghai is a combination of plateau, west, and impoverished areas. It has broad poverty coverage, high incidence of poverty, high cost of poverty alleviation, and difficulty in alleviating poverty. It is the “hard bone” that must be addressed during the Thirteenth period of the Five Year Plan. Xi Jinping has always been very concerned about the successful “path to poverty alleviation” of Qinghai.

“Poverty alleviation must be tackled with precision, to achieve precise poverty alleviation, precise poverty alleviation, accurate for households, accurate for people, find the right ‘poor roots’ and set a clear goal.” .

Participating in the deliberations of the Qinghai delegation at the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress, Xi Jinping set out strategies for Qinghai to win the battle against poverty by focusing on issues such as precision, more emphasis on education for relief. poverty and greater emphasis on improving the sustainability of the effects of poverty alleviation.

During the field inspection in Qinghai, Xi Jinping made new deployments to win the battle against poverty, “beating the drums” and giving orders and organizing troops.

——The salt lake is the most important resource in Qinghai. You need to formulate correct resource strategies, strengthen high-level design, and do a good job of development and utilization.

——The relocation of immigrants is an effective way to fight poverty. Migrant relocation should fully solicit the views of farmers and allow them to participate in the planning of the new village. The construction of new villages must be combined with the development of production and the promotion of employment, with the improvement of basic public services and with the protection of ethnic, regional and cultural characteristics and styles.

——The task of combating poverty is arduous and the mission is glorious. Party and government departments at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres must have the firm determination and firm will to “never break Loulan and never come back”, adhere to poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation, and achieve true poverty alleviation and true poverty alleviation. It is necessary to implement comprehensive policies, play well in combination, and achieve comprehensive efforts across multiple policies, multiple channels, and multiple methods.

——To achieve poverty alleviation by changing the living environment, improving living standards and improving production capacity, there must be follow-up plans, measures and guarantees to consolidate poverty alleviation. We must do a good job in the economic and social development of the Yushu earthquake area to make the life of the local people of all ethnic groups better and better.


Those who have the same desire above and below win. In April 2020, Qinghai Province lifted all poverty-affected counties out of poverty.

  Talk about national unity

  —— “Brothers and feet, blind date, watch over and help each other, unity and harmony, and common development”

Qinghai is one of the multi-ethnic areas in my country, where many ethnic minorities such as Tibetans, Huis, Salars and Mongols live.

“Our country is a multi-ethnic country, and all ethnic groups are one family. We must love each other and unite and progress together.” Doing a good job of ethnic unity is an important focus of Xi Jinping’s plan for the development of Qinghai. .

When he attended the Qinghai delegation’s deliberations at the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress five years ago, Xi Jinping emphasized that efforts should be made to strengthen infrastructure construction in ethnic regions, to cultivate characteristic and advantageous industries in ethnic regions, to develop characteristic advantages. resources in ethnic regions in an orderly manner and to enhance ethnic level The level of regional industrial structure will enhance self-development capacity and sustainable development capacity of ethnic regions.

In addition, he pointed out that funds for the development of social enterprises and the construction of people’s livelihoods should be inclined towards ethnic areas so that people from ethnic areas can share the fruits of reform and development. National unity is the livelihood of people of all ethnic groups. It is necessary to respect ethnic differences, tolerate cultural diversity and deepen creative activities, so that all ethnic groups can kiss, care for and help each other, be united and harmonious, and develop together in the great family of the Chinese nation. .

“National unity is the livelihood of the people of all ethnic groups.” During his research and investigation in Qinghai, Xi Jinping provided specific guidance on ethnic and religious work.

He emphasized that it is necessary to educate and guide people of all ethnicities so that they live in harmony, unite and move forward together in the continuous improvement of their recognition of the great homeland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China. , and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and jointly promote the accelerated development of ethnic regions. We must adhere to the party’s basic policy on religious work, strengthen the management of religious affairs, actively guide religions to adapt to socialist society, adhere to the sinicization of our country’s religions, and be more proactive in religious work in the new situation.

The unity of all ethnic groups to work together towards a well-to-do society in a comprehensive manner is not only the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, but also a significant advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

Xi Jinping’s concern for national unity is the key to Qinghai’s reform, development and stability, and it is also the basis for happy lives for people of all ethnic groups.

Editor-in-charge: Liu Guangbo
