Wuhan to Fully Use “E Cold Chain” Platform to Import Traceable Cold Chain Food Sources and Find Their Whereabouts | Cold Chain Food_Sina Finance_Sina.com


Original title: Wuhan to fully utilize the “E Cold Chain” platform to import food sources from the cold chain that can be traced and their whereabouts verified

Source: Changjiang Business Daily

(Zhou Shunyao) In order to implement accurate control and long-term monitoring of imported food from the cold chain, Wuhan City cooperated with Hubei Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters to develop the Platform for Hubei Province Imported Cold Chain Food Information Traceability (hereinafter “Hubei Cold Chain” platform). On December 28, the Wuhan Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to present the relevant situation.

It was reported that on December 10, the warehouse of Hema Fresh Supermarket in Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, was successfully assigned the first “Electronic Cold Chain” code in Hubei Province.

The “Hubei Cold Chain” code is the “identification card” for the prevention and control of food epidemics imported from the cold chain. Import food products from the cold chain, warehouses, trucks, people’s commodity information, nucleic acid testing and disinfection and other epidemic prevention information is fully entered, and the first stop code, the scan code of entry and exit, a code to the end, will be contacted on the circulation link. Information is constantly being improved, characters can be defended together, the source can be traced, and their whereabouts can be verified.

So far, 911 companies in Wuhan have logged into the application platform and entered 19,559 tons of imported food nucleic acid tests and disinfection epidemic prevention information. 222,600 copies have been successfully encoded. Before December 31, Wuhan’s inventory of imported food from the cold chain can be fully completed. Code work.

The “E Cold Chain” platform will be fully implemented in Wuhan as of January 1, 2021. At that time, for all imported cold chain food with Wuhan as the first place of entry or first place of storage, the recipient must promptly and accurately enter the product quarantine and inbound cargo inspection certificate, customs import cargo declaration certificate, cold chain food disinfection certificate, and novel corona virus. The nucleic acid test report and other “three certifications and a report” and traceability information, such as transport vehicles and personnel, generate an “E cold chain” code, print and place on the outer packaging of each box of products, complete the first stop code assignment and implement the entry and exit code scanning, One meter to the end.

Products that have not been encoded will not be released from the library. When purchasing imported cold chain food, producers and operators of imported cold chain food must verify codes and complete information on transportation vehicles, personnel and food storage places in a timely manner, those without codes will not be sold. All functional districts and departments will comprehensively control the implementation of the “E Cold Chain” platform by the commercial and food production units of the imported cold chain. Those without the “E Cold Chain” code will not be stored, transported, purchased, produced or processed. Sales

The market supervision department recalls that when consumers buy imported cold chain food, they can actively verify the “three certifications and one report” and scan the “E cold chain” code. Cold chain foods imported without the “three certifications and a report” and without the “Cold Chain E” code will not be able to be purchased, and must call 12345 to report.

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Editor in Charge: Wang Xiang
