World’s Leading “Black Tech” Updates Wuzhen Wisdom Index


Logistics robots, brain-shaped computers of billion-level neurons, Du Xiaoxiao …

World’s Leading “Black Tech” Updates Wuzhen Wisdom Index

The patter of light rain, pounding on the stone road in Wuzhen, the sound of footsteps “dangdangdang” woke up the water city in the south of the Yangtze River that had been sleeping for thousands of years. At the “Light of the Internet” exhibition that opened yesterday, a group of visitors from all over the world came to Wuzhen, bringing the most avant-garde voice on the Internet and the best “black technology” in the world, once again refreshing the index! of Wuzhen’s wisdom!

Without fear of the wind, the sun and the rain

A “burrito” that can deliver 500 messengers every day

Yesterday, at the “Internet Light” Expo site, the “Burrito” logistics robot from the Autonomous Driving Laboratory of the Ali Dharma Academy attracted a lot of attention.

The “Little Man Donkey” robot is understood to integrate cutting-edge artificial intelligence and autonomous driving technology from Dharma Academy. It has the functions of identifying obstacles to one centimeter and performing a positioning to one centimeter in a non-GPS environment. It only takes 0.01 seconds to distinguish The action intentions of more than 100 pedestrians and vehicles can easily handle complex road conditions and choose the optimal route wisely. At the same time, it also has human-like cognitive intelligence, and the brain’s emergency response speed is 7 times that of humans.

“The ‘Little Man Donkey’ can run more than 100 kilometers on 4 kWh of electricity and can deliver up to 500 express shipments per day. Extreme environments such as thunderstorms, lightning, high temperature, rain and snow, garages, tunnels and other environments extremes will not affect your performance. ” Ali Dharma Xu Liang from the Autonomous Driving Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said that the robot “Little Man Donkey” has already demonstrated its abilities during the “Double Eleven” period. For example, in the Zijingang campus of Zhejiang University, 22 robots delivered about 30,000 packages. “We hope It can serve the last 3 kilometers of the terminal logistics scene and bring more convenience to the life of the public.”

As the demand for logistics and distribution is facing a period of rapid bursting, and terminal logistics is the most expensive and least efficient link in the entire logistics system, the “burrito” will be the first to be used on a large scale in rookie station in the future.

I can sing and remember

A computer that really thinks like a “brain”

Use the brain-shaped computer as a smart hub for multi-robot collaborative work in rescue and flood fighting scenarios; simulate different regions of the brain to establish neural models to provide faster and larger-scale simulation tools for scientific research; perform “typing” and respond to EEG signals Perform decoding in real time … In the Zhijiang Laboratory exhibition area, the researchers carried out a demonstration of the application of a computer similar to a billion-level neuron.

Brain-like computing reportedly refers to the use of hardware and software to simulate the structure and operating mechanism of the brain’s neural network to build a new artificial intelligence system. It is a new computing model that subverts traditional computing architecture and is considered as one of the important ways to solve computing problems in fields such as artificial intelligence.

“Compared to computers, the human brain’s power consumption is equivalent to an energy-saving lamp. Brain-like computing uses hardware and software to simulate the structure and operating mechanism of the brain’s neural network to build a new artificial intelligence system. The brain-like chip operating principle is similar to biological neuronal behavior, signals are transmitted through pulses, so a high degree of parallelism and higher efficiency can be achieved, “he said. the head of the Zhijiang Laboratory.

It is worth mentioning that, to allow hundreds of thousands of neurons to achieve efficient linking and combining, and to orderly distribute the flow of chaotic information to the corresponding functional areas of the brain, the research team developed an operating system specifically for computers. Brain-like—— Darwin’s Brain-like Operating System (DarwinOS) realizes the switching time of functional tasks in microseconds, performs effective management and programming of brain-like computer hardware resources, and supports the operation and application of similar computers to the brain.

From knowing to confidant

The virtual assistant “Du Xiaoxiao” that can be developed

“Du Xiaoxiao, do you know who has CCTV Boys?” “Kang Hui, Sa Bening, Zhu Guangquan, Nigmat” … To the questions, Du Xiaoxiao answered quickly and accurately, winning the favor of the visitors. Highly recognized and praised.

It is understood that “Du Xiaoxiao” is a development virtual assistant application developed by Baidu based on Xiaodu’s conversational artificial intelligence operating system. It is supported by Baidu’s speech, image, language and brain knowledge technology. It can be downloaded and used only by mobile phone. At present, “Du Xiaoxiao” has the ability to answer questions and solve puzzles, and to accompany emotionally, which can help users solve many problems in life. More importantly, it will also form different personalities as users use it. He is a typical foster assistant.

“The most important feature of ‘Du Xiaoxiao’ is that it is a training assistant, that is, as users use more and more functions, it will eventually achieve the effect of thousands of people, all ‘Du Xiaoxiao'” Everything will be different according to the owner. “The relevant person in charge of Baidu said that by promoting live and service-oriented streaming and other business innovations and updates, Baidu’s mobile ecosystem will help creators, developers, users and platforms to establish a relationship closer and more efficient.

Today, along with the blessing of advanced artificial intelligence and big data technologies, Baidu is creating a new mobile ecosystem that provides users with a full range of intelligent services.
