Witness the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan” | Ministry of Commerce: Actual use of foreign capital in 2020 is estimated to exceed US $ 140 billion and reach a record high_ 东方 Fortune.com


Original title: Witness the “13th Five-Year Plan” | Ministry of Commerce: The actual use of foreign capital in 2020 is estimated to exceed US $ 140 billion, a record

During the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan” period, China’s capital introduction scale reached a record high.

From 2016 to 2019, China’s actual use of foreign capital was US $ 549.6 billion, and the actual use of foreign capital in 2020 is estimated to exceed US $ 140 billion, a record. Preliminary estimates indicate that the total scale of use of foreign capital during the period of the thirteenth five-year plan will reach approximately US $ 690 billion, exceeding US $ 60 billion during the period of the twelfth five-year plan.

At the same time, our countryForeign investmentThe status of great power is increasingly consolidated. During the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan”, externalinvestmentThe scale is estimated to reach US $ 740 billion, with an average annual average of US $ 148 billion, firmly positioning itself in the world market.Direct investigationThe top three in traffic.

  The state of capital attraction is more stable

The competent person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said that China’s status as a major country in attracting capital has become more stable. Against the background of the overall decline in global transnational direct investment, the share of absorbed foreign investment in global foreign direct investment (FDI) increased from 6.6% in 2015 to 9.2% in 2019, becoming the second country with the highest foreign investment in the world for three consecutive years from 2017 to 2019.. This year, China’s absorption of foreign capital as a share of global FDI is expected to continue to increase.

China’s investment structure is more optimized: 2016 ~ 2019,ServiceThe industry absorbed US $ 395.6 billion of foreign capital, which represented that the proportion of the country’s foreign capital absorbed increased from 69.8% in 2015 to 73.1% in 2019.industryThe proportion of foreign investment absorbed in the country’s foreign investment increased from 12.2% in 2015 to 27.7% in 2019; between them, tallTechnical servicesThe proportion of foreign investment absorbed by industries in the country’s foreign investment has increased significantly from 5.3% in 2015 to 18.2% in 2019.

At the same time, foreign investmentsocietyContribution to exceptional development. 2016 ~ 2019, foreign investmentcompanyTo exportThe total amount reached 3.9 trillion US dollars, which represents 41.7% of the national total, and the total amount of imports reached 3.4 trillion US dollars, which represents 44.8%. of the national total;tax11.4 billion yuan in totalRMB, Which represents 19.3% of national tax revenue.

At the end of 2019, companies with foreign investment promote cities and townsjobApproximately 40 million people, which represents approximately one-tenth of the country’s urban employment. Foreign capital has played an important and irreplaceable role in developing China’s open economy and building a well-off society in all respects.

  Ranked among the top three in global foreign direct investment flows

China’s status as a major foreign investment country is increasingly consolidated. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, China’s foreign investment is expected to reach US $ 740 billion, with an average annual average of US $ 148 billion, placing it among the top three in the flow of foreign direct investment. world.

By the end of 2019, China had established 44,000 overseas companies in 188 countries (regions) around the world and invested abroad.Values$ 2.2 trillion, ranking third in the world, with total foreign assets of $ 7.2 trillion. From 2016 to 2019, foreign investment drove a total of US $ 530 billion in exports and an average annual export of around 5% of goods. The level of construction of trade and economic cooperation zones abroad has been continuously improved, and 113 cooperation zones have been included in the Ministry of Commerce statistics. They have absorbed investments from companies around the world, with a total investment of US $ 44.6 billion. The effects of industrial agglomeration and radiation are obvious.

At the same time, China’s overseas projects are firmly in the forefront of the world. During the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, projects contracted abroad are expected to complete a turnover of 800 billion US dollars, with an annual average of around 160 billion US dollars.contractA total of 2.8 trillion US dollars, of which more than 3,400 projects with hundreds of millions of dollars, the general scale andmarketThe action is among the best in the world. In 2020, 74 Chinese companies will be selected as the 250 largest in the world by “Engineering News Record”International engineeringcontractor, The number of companies on the list continues to top the list. The average annual export of overseas contracted projects generates more than US $ 10 billion in goods, and major projects such as Kenya’s Mombasa-Nairobi railway use Chinese technology and standards.

ExteriorServiceCooperation helps fight poverty. During the period of the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, more than 2 million workers of various kinds were dispatched. To date, a total of 10.26 million workers of various kinds have been sent abroad, with a monthly income of approximately US $ 1200-2200. Since 2018, 88,000 workers have been dispatched from poverty-stricken areas, making positive contributions to the fight against poverty.

The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has continued to deepen and solidify. So far, China has cooperated with 138 countries and 31International organizations202 cooperation documents were signed for the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. During the period of the thirteenth five-year plan, ChinaState investmentThe cooperation has grown steadily. The cumulative investment scale will exceed US $ 90 billion, the value of recently signed foreign contracted projects is about US $ 670 billion, and the completed business volume is about US $ 420 billion. .USA A batch of projects with good comprehensive benefits and a large leverage effect have taken hold and improved the host country’s economy.The level of developmentTo achieve mutual benefits and win-win results, the story of “One Belt One Road” is deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

(Source: China Business News)

(Editor-in-charge: younannan)

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