With the third session of the 13th Sichuan People’s Congress closed, Peng Qinghua chaired the closing meeting and delivered a Yin Like Zunping speech. Deng Xiaogang Jiang Pingping attended_Sichuan Online


The third session of the XIII Provincial People’s Congress ends

Peng Qinghua chaired the closing meeting and delivered a speech attended by Yin Like Zunping Deng Xiaogang Jiang Pingping

Wang Ning and Wang Minghui were elected deputy directors of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Assembly.

On the afternoon of May 12, the third meeting of the 13th People’s Provincial Congress closed in Chengdu after successfully completing all agendas.

The third session of the 13th Provincial People’s Congress should have 876 deputies, and the closing meeting actually had 850 deputies, which is in line with the quorum.

Peng Qinghua, executive chair of the conference presidium and executive chair of the closing meeting, chaired the closing meeting. Huang Xinchu, executive chairman of the conference presidium and executive chairman of the closing meeting, Chen Wenhua, Liu Jie, Ye Zhuang, Liu Zuoming, Bao Hui and Jiao Weixia sat in the front row of the rostrum.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Yin Li, Chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Ke Zunping, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Deng Xiaogang, the Deputy Political Committee of the Western Theater and the Force Political Committee Jiang Pingping Theater Air attended the closing meeting and sat on the rostrum.

The meeting voted to approve the decision of the third meeting of the 13th Sichuan People’s Congress to accept the resignation of Liu Jie as deputy chairman of the Standing Committee of the 13th Sichuan People’s Congress.

By secret ballot, the meeting elected Wang Ning and Wang Minghui as deputy chairpersons of the Standing Committee of the XIII Sichuan People’s Congress, and elected Lu Ye, Yang Zhiyuan, Zhang Rong, Zhou Rong, and Fan Bin as the 13 representatives of the Sichuan people. . Member of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly.

The meeting voted to adopt the resolution on the work report of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, the resolution on the implementation of the national plan for economic and social development of the Sichuan province 2019 and the 2020 plan, the resolution on the implementation of the budget of the Sichuan Province 2019 and the 2020 budget, and The resolution on the work report of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress, the resolution on the work report of the Sichuan People’s Superior Court and the resolution on the work report of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Procuratorate.

The meeting held a constitutional oath ceremony. The newly elected deputy directors and members of the Standing Committee of the XIII People’s Congress of Sichuan Province swore the Constitution in accordance with the law under the common testimony of the participants.

Peng Qinghua, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Assembly, spoke before the conference closed. He said that through the joint efforts of all delegates and participants, the three sessions of the 13th Provincial People’s Congress successfully completed all agendas, produced high quality and good results, and achieved predetermined goals. This is a meeting of unity and advancement, a conference to seek the truth and to be pragmatic, pioneering and innovative. It will further inspire the entire province to inspire spirit, move forward, work hard, fight for double victory and build a well-to-do society. comprehensively. Continuously create a new situation in the development of the Shuxingchuan cause.

Peng Qinghua pointed out that this year is the year in which a wealthy society is completely built and the “13th Five-Year Plan” is completed. The impact of the epidemic is unprecedented and various tasks are extremely arduous and arduous.

A decisive battle to overcome poverty and build a well-to-do society is a solemn commitment that we must honor; To strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic while maintaining the normal functioning of the economy and society, and to promote economic and social development with the premise of good prevention and control of the epidemic, we must complete the double mission: fully promote the national strategy of the economic circle of the twin cities in Chengdu and Chongqing, and fully implement the strategic deployment of “five-branch coordination, five regions” and “four-way expansion, global opening” of the party’s provincial committee is a important mission that we must assume.

The entire province should make ideological preparations and work preparations to cope with changes in the external environment over a long period of time, maintain strategic determination, firm confidence in victory, and resolutely implement the party’s central political policies and unwavering mindset and tireless efforts. The Provincial Party Committee made decisions and plans, striving for double victories, building a well-to-do society in a comprehensive way, and taking Sichuan governance to a new level.

Peng Qinghua noted that striving for twice as many victories and building a well-to-do society in a comprehensive way,

We must always achieve “two safeguards” and firmly use Xi Jinping’s new age socialism with Chinese characteristics to guide the fight. Consolidate and make good use of the educational achievements of the theme of “not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission”, and continuing to work hard to learn and master innovative party theory; Take this practice of fighting the epidemic as a vivid ideological and political lesson, and deeply understand prevention and control of the epidemic. The developed Chinese power, Chinese spirit, and Chinese efficiency will vigorously promote the spirit of patriotism, collectivism, and socialism, and will further stimulate national pride, self-confidence, and cohesion.

We must do a good job of “six stability” in the prevention and control of normal epidemic situations, implement the task of “six guarantees” and accelerate the restoration of the economic and social order. We will improve the standardized mechanism for prevention and control, and we will continue to consolidate and expand the effectiveness of prevention and control of epidemics; adhere to the contribution of agriculture, industry to take the initiative, investment to play a leading role, and consumption to promote the upgrade and effectively smooth the industrial cycle, the market cycle, the economic and social cycle, and promote normal recovery of production and normal life.

We must do everything possible to fight the “three main battles” and accelerate to fill the deficiencies to fill the gaps. Staying close to the “two concerns and three guarantees” goals, we will monitor outstanding issues in key Liangshan areas, consolidate poverty alleviation achievements and prevent the return of poverty; do a good job in the “eight battles” of pollution prevention and control; Check and avoid hidden hazards like debris flow and safety production; At the same time, ensure the improvement and improvement of people’s lives, firmly grasp the promotion of employment of key groups such as migrant workers and university students, and effectively solve the practical problems of companies and affected people by the epidemic.

Peng Qinghua emphasized:

We must unswervingly deepen reform and expand openness, injecting a strong impetus into high-quality development. Promote new advances in the reform of key areas and key links, do a good job in the article of the “second half” of the adjustment reform of the administrative division of the municipality, constantly advance the reform of the organizational reform at the level village and continually improve the effectiveness of grassroots governance; actively participate in the construction of the “belt and highway” and the new western land and sea channel Construction, strongly promotes the construction of large open corridors, expedites the construction of an air transport system oriented to the international entry center in the west, a rail transport system with “four directions and eight corridors” and “five main loops” as the skeleton, with the main channel of Chuanchuan as the main axis and the county The rapid road transport system supported by coverage is to increase the level shipping on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the multimodal transportation system is the transportation system; Capture the construction of large open platforms as pilot free trade zones, and continually expand the breadth and depth of our province’s openness to the outside world.

We must effectively strengthen and improve the construction of the party, and promote a comprehensive and strict government of the party so that it develops in depth. Always put the political construction of the party first and coordinate the promotion of party construction; strengthen propaganda and ideological and cultural work, strongly promote and congratulate the advanced groups and individuals who have emerged on the front line of the fight against epidemics and overcome poverty Stories to combat poverty; continue to work hard to correct discipline, resolutely rectify formalism and bureaucracy, and do a good job of “promoting reforms through cases”; strengthen the construction of leading groups and cadre teams, and promote the general progress of grassroots organizations. The large number of party members and cadres adhered to their original mission, actively worked, and started business with outstanding-style officers to overcome difficulties.

Peng Qinghua pointed out that the new era offers new missions, and new journeys require new tasks and new actions. Promoting the construction of the economic circle of twin cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing area is a major deployment by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping in the center, focusing on the overall strategic situation and long-term development, which which is conducive to accelerating the construction of an internal and external land-sea link and the mutual development of east and west, and creating internal reforms. Opening new highlands, promoting the development of the western region in the new era and forming a new pattern; fostering the strengthening of the population and economic carrying capacity of the urban agglomeration Chengdu-Chongqing, promoting the leap from an urban agglomeration at the national level to a world-class urban agglomeration and forming an important growth of high quality development in the region Western Pole and power source; It is conducive to further optimize the productivity design of Sichuan and Chongqing, improve the overall energy level and development level of the two regions, and create a new situation of dual-core driven and coordinated development in Chengdu and Chongqing. This is an important task assigned to us by the Central Committee of the Party, which has helped Sichuan to integrate throughout the country and even into the world economic cycle and gather competitive advantages. It is a milestone and decisive importance for our province to promote high quality development in the new era.

Peng Qinghua emphasized:

The whole province

We must have a deep understanding of the great importance of building an economic circle of twin cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing region, firmly seize strategic opportunities, seriously identify the focus of work and entry points, and consciously integrate thoughts and actions into decision-making and deployment of the Central Party Committee.

It is necessary to strengthen the integrated planning of the plan, focus on the strategic objectives of “one pole, two centers and two places” and 7 key tasks, strengthen the connection with Chongqing and jointly develop the transportation system, land and space, science center and technology, financial center, ecological environmental protection, cultural tourism. In planning, we will strive for greater national support and we will strive to include more projects in the national “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” and the “Scheme for the Construction of the Double City Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing”.

Chengdu should plan and promote the “Tale of Two Cities” chant to achieve mutual interaction, mutual action, comprehensive coupling, and in-depth cooperation between the two cities; understand Chengde Meimei’s development and urbanization, and expand and strengthen Chengdu’s “main” “Pole Core”; focus on building a park city demo area that implements the new development concept and creates unique city business cards; (Chengdu) Construction of the Science City to achieve the development of dislocation and the development of links; understand the construction of a comprehensive transportation infrastructure and build a comprehensive transportation hub and open portal in the west.

To strengthen cooperation in various areas and areas, cities (prefectures) should promote pragmatic cooperation in various ways according to development needs and realistic conditions, plan and build new provincial areas such as the New Sanjiang Area in Yibin, and plan a series of adjacent demonstration areas and major reform experiments Districts and coordinated development zones, etc., to implement a batch of large cooperation projects and form a batch of functional platforms to undertake the design of the main national productive forces.

A number of key themes need to be listed to strengthen practical problems and theoretical research, and strive to form a batch of high-quality research results and absorb them into relevant planning and policy documents.

It is necessary to implement the leadership and operation mechanism of work in Sichuan and Chongqing, to do a good job in future planning, general coordination, decomposition of tasks, formulation of plans and supervision and inspection to guarantee that the construction of the economic circle of cities Twins in Chengdu and Chongqing are off to a good start and a good start.

Peng Qinghua emphasized:

Party committees at all levels must strengthen their leadership over the work of the National People’s Congress, quickly study and resolve major problems in the work of the National People’s Congress, and support and ensure that the NPC and its Standing Committee exercise their powers in accordance with the law.

“One government, one committee and two chambers” should consciously accept the oversight of the National People’s Congress, actively cooperate with the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee to carry out law enforcement activities, and ensure that the functions of the National People’s Congress play a terminal role.

Popular congresses and their standing committees at all levels of the province should focus on the implementation of central party government policy and the decision-making and deployment of the party’s provincial committee, combining real creativity with legislation, supervision and other work, improve and innovate the representative work mechanism and continuously promote the quality and increase of the work of the congress of the new era. effect.

Deputies of provincial people at all levels must conscientiously perform their duties, improve their performance, actively participate in supporting the prevention and control of standardized epidemics, and promote economic and social development, maximize strength and confidence, and making active efforts to achieve this year’s goals and tasks. contribution.

The conference ended successfully in the majestic national anthem.

The relevant leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, the Provincial Court, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Provincial People’s Republic of China and the troops stationed in Sichuan, and representatives of all relevant parties participated in the meeting. closing.

Sichuan Daily Observation Reporter Zhang Shoushuai Liu Jia Photography Ouyang Jie He Haiyang Li Xiangyu
