Win-win and win-win waste sorting_Sina


Original title: Mutual benefit and beneficial waste classification for all

Residents who do a good job sorting trash can earn rewards.

Guangzhou Daily News (Photo report by Wang Na, a reporter for all media) Can you make money by sorting garbage? Yesterday at Longling Community, Buji Street, Longgang, the reporter saw that residents here can get real benefits by implementing garbage sorting. Residents can accumulate eco-friendly coins for consumption in love shops as long as they put the garbage in agreement. with the guidelines. .

This is one of the demonstration projects of the Longling Community Co-Construction, Co-Governance and Sharing Demonstration Project “Better Life · Longling Blossoms”. At present, the community has formed a multidimensionality of construction of parties, construction of transport, creation of civilization, safe production, culture and sport, integral management of urban towns, improvement of environmental quality, classification and hierarchical management of rental housing , etc. , forming a co-construction, co-governance and sharing of grassroots governance. “Longling mode”.

Love Business District helps sort trash

Longling Community is located in the affluent Old Street, Buji Street, Longgang District area, and is a mixed community. Yesterday, the reporter saw a row of special garbage cans at the demonstration point of the community business district. This square row of trash cans is actually a set of smart devices. Residents swipe their cards before throwing out the trash, and then follow the trash sorting guidelines to place the trash in different trash cans. The card will get the corresponding information according to the weight of For example, if you put a kilo of waste paper, you can get 0.4 yuan. On the opposite side of the street there is a neat row of love shops, and the amount of the card can be consumed in the love shops right away.

This is the demonstration site for the joint construction of the solidarity business district in Longling Community. The community reportedly brought together stores in the Longling area to create a caring business circle, selected and nurtured excellent stores to participate in joint construction, and carried out “wall food, point exchange, regular discounts, three packs in front of the door, smiling service, care station, garbage classification, material donation and security surveillance ”and other mutual assistance services independent of the business district, guide residents to implement garbage classification, accumulate environmental coins to enjoy discounts in caring stores and build a “business + public welfare + environmental protection” win-win model.

15 demo projects to create “Longling Mode”

The Aixin Business District demonstration site is one of 15 demonstration projects in the Longling community. There are reportedly more than 15,000 people living in the 0.33 square kilometer area of ​​the Longling community. Originally it was an urban “depression”. The registered population and the floating population here is seriously upside down, densely populated, narrow roads, dirty and chaotic environments, messy power lines Messy connection and serious lack of public infrastructure.

In recent years, the party’s community committee has adopted the “Party Building Leading + N” model to build a “Better Life · Longling Flower” joint-building, co-governance and demonstration project with party organizations and residents of 11 companies and institutions. in the jurisdiction., In-depth exploration and practice of multiple models of co-construction and collaborative co-government, to promote the interactive circulation of resources within the jurisdiction, and build 15 socialized, daily, normalized and long-term life “three Communist demonstration sites, from party construction, transportation construction, civilization creation, safe production, culture and sports, urban village comprehensive management, environmental quality improvement and classified management and hierarchical rental housing are all aspects to create a livable harmonious home, forming a “dragon” of co-construction, co-governance and grassroots governance. Ridge Mode. “

The 15 demonstration projects also include a demonstration site for joint construction of medical nursing homes, a demonstration site for quality property management, a demonstration site for talent inheritance, a demonstration site for escort of eagles, a demonstration site for scholarships in Longling, and a demonstration site for social and school co-construction. Demo sites for financial co-construction, etc.

Xie Haizhu, secretary of the Longling Community Party Committee, Buji Street, said that the community party committee adheres to the concept of “people-centered” development, resolves people’s concerns and concerns, takes the pulse of the examination community physicist, and leads businesses, institutions, and residents through party building. These diverse subjects participate in social governance and comprehensively use the three governorates of “rule of law, autonomy and the rule of morality” to achieve “that the party and the masses are united, the residents are mobilized, the they use resources, management is optimized, the community is alive, and governance is strong. ”Governance Goals.
