Who can prioritize the new vaccination crown in the EU? | New Crown Pneumonia_Sina Finance_Sina.com


Who can prioritize the new vaccination crown in the EU?

Author: Feng Di Van

  [ 德国卫生部估计,今年年底前,德国可获得130万剂辉瑞与德国BioNTech研发的新冠疫苗,2021年1月可再获得1000万剂该疫苗,德国最快可以在2021年夏季为全民提供接种疫苗的机会。 ]

The idea of ​​the European Union to “start vaccination together on the 27th with 27 member states” was broken by Germany, Hungary and Slovakia.

On the 26th, a few hours after the first two-dose COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech of Germany arrived in Germany, Hungary and Slovakia, these three countries began preventive vaccination campaigns.

In Germany, a 101-year-old woman, Edith Kwoizalla, in a nursing home in Saxony-Anhalt, became the first person in Germany to receive the new crown vaccine.

The German Health Ministry estimates that by the end of this year, Germany will receive 1.3 million doses of the new two-dose corona vaccine developed by Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech, and another 10 million doses of the vaccine will be available in January. 2021. Subsequently, other vaccines in development will be considered. If it can go to market without problems, Germany can give everyone the opportunity to get vaccinated in the summer of 2021.

Albert is an investment banking lawyer living in Germany. Due to his employment relationship, he often travels between the financial city and Frankfurt. Due to the growing epidemic in the UK, she has not been able to travel to the UK for a long time.

He told a China Business News reporter that due to the number of vaccines, Germany is currently taking a “priority vaccination” approach, so on the one hand, it is looking at the vaccination situation on the one hand, and on the other. hand, considering your own wealth and strength, the vaccination order should be More than half a year later.

“Priority vaccination” for the elderly, medical personnel and pregnant women

In Germany, who is the target group for “priority vaccination”? According to information from the German Ministry of Health, this is mainly divided into three categories: the first priority to receive the vaccine is people over 80 years old, for example, this group belongs to Ms. Edith Kuvazla, as well as medical personnel.

The second best vaccines are German people over 70 years old, people with Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, people living in refugee camps, and pregnant women, etc .; then people over 60 in Germany and patients with basic illnesses, firefighters, police, educators, etc.

BioNTech and Pfizer are reported to have previously announced an agreement with the European Commission (hereinafter the “European Commission”) to supply 200 million doses of vaccine to EU member states; In addition, the EU may purchase an additional 100 million doses of vaccine in 2021. Currently, the vaccine is It has obtained conditional marketing authorization, emergency use authorization or temporary use authorization in more than 40 countries or regions (including the 27 states members of the EU) worldwide.

In Germany, according to the calculations of the German Ministry of Health, by March 2021, Germany can receive 11 to 12 million doses of vaccine, which is enough to vaccinate 5.5 to 6 million people, because the vaccine requires two injections.

Germany is currently suffering from the second wave of COVID-19. Currently, the cumulative number of confirmed diagnoses in Germany has exceeded 1.5 million and the death toll is approaching 30,000. Although stricter “closed city” measures were implemented on the 16th before Christmas, the epidemic has not improved significantly. This strict blocking measure will continue until January 10 of next year.

A recent poll by YouGov showed that nearly two-thirds of Germans expressed their willingness to get vaccinated.

Among them, 32% of those interviewed expected to be vaccinated as soon as possible; 33% of those interviewed said that they decided to get vaccinated, but want to see the reaction of others after vaccination; 19% of those interviewed said they refused to vaccinate, 16% The person said it has not been decided yet.

Albert told reporters that it should be 33%. “But it’s my turn to basically get into spring and summer next year. I have plenty of time to make observations.” He said: “Another very real problem is that the vaccination workload is very large and Germany also exists now.” Regarding the shortage of medical resources, I know that many retired doctors are joining teams of volunteer doctors for vaccines. “

On the 27th, the new corona vaccine will be launched throughout Europe

From 25 to 26, the first batch of new corona vaccines approved by the European Commission has been distributed and shipped to 27 member states. According to EU estimates, most countries received around 10,000 doses of vaccine, such as Hungary. For example, 9750 doses of vaccine were obtained.

Hungary also chose to “rush to fight” on the day of receiving the vaccine (26). It is reported that the first to be vaccinated were the medical personnel of many hospitals in Budapest. Since each person needs two doses, the vaccine obtained this time in Hungary can vaccinate 4,875 people.

According to incomplete statistics from a China Business News reporter, the governments of Italy, France, Austria, Bulgaria and Spain declared that they would start vaccination on the 27th; Belgium and Luxembourg said they would start on the 28th. At the same time, the Netherlands and Switzerland said they will start vaccination in January next year.

Specifically, France will begin vaccination in Paris and other regions from the 27th, and the first to receive the vaccine will be the elderly groups in many nursing homes. The French Ministry of Health predicts that mass vaccination will begin in mid-January 2021.

In Italy, 9,750 doses of vaccine have already arrived in Italy. For Italy, where more than 71,000 people have died during the epidemic, this vaccine is very symbolic. A nurse working at Spallanzani, Rome’s main infectious disease hospital, is reported to be the first person in the country to receive the vaccine, and other medical personnel will then be vaccinated.

However, in EU countries that have some doubts about vaccines, to clear the public’s doubts, most of the first to receive vaccines are experts or high officials. For example, in Bulgaria, its Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov (Kostadin Angelov) became the first person to receive the new crown vaccine in the country.

Before the vaccinations of the EU member states, the president of the European Commission, Von der Lein, published a video speech on social media and expressed the hope that everything would return to normal next year.

He said the vaccine will be provided to 450 million people in the 27 EU countries at the same time, hoping that “2021 will be a year of recovery and hope for Europe.”

The latest data from the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) show that the total number of patients with new coronary pneumonia in the European Union and the United Kingdom currently exceeds 16.24 million, and the cumulative death toll exceeds 400,000.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Qi Qiqi
