Which of these new people livelihood regulations went online in November to warm you up? _ Eastern Fortune Network


Original Title: These New Regulations on People’s Livelihoods Released in November, Which One Got You Hot?

■ People over 70 can apply for a driver’s license. Based on the implementation of the exemption for non-operating minibuses and minibuses with 6 seats or less in 6 years, non-operating minibuses and minibuses with 7 to 9 seats (except vans) within 6 years will be included in the scope of the exemption For small non-operational minibuses (except vans) older than 6 years but less than 10 years, the annual inspection will be adjusted to once every two years

■ The recently revised “Administrative Measures for Elderly Care Institutions” reinforce the safety and security responsibilities of elderly care institutions and other management responsibilities, so that the elderly living with the elderly can have a sense of security. Obviously, elderly care institutions are required to reduce operational risks by implementing a 24-hour service, installing video surveillance facilities in public places and promoting liability insurance. The Department of Civil Affairs is obliged toServiceSafety and quality at least onceinspect on site

The pace of winter is gradually approaching and a batch of new regulations will be released to warm our hearts. People over the age of 70 can apply for a driver’s license.Security AdministrationTighter … ever stronger rule of law will make you and my life more rewarding.

  People over the age of 70 can apply for a driver’s license.

The Ministry of Public Security has recently launched 12 measures to further deepen the reform of public security traffic management “delegation of control and service”, which will be officially implemented on November 20. Among them, the age limit of 70 years for driving licenses for small cars, small automatic vehicles and mopeds has been canceled.

After the reform, the ability to remember, judge and react to those over 70 years to obtain driving licenses.testWarrantyThe physical condition meets the requirements for safe driving, and a physical examination is required every year and a certificate of physical examination is presented.

The reform has also expanded the scope of medical examinations and medical institutions. For those who need to present a certificate of physical condition to obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license, physical examination institutions have expanded from medical institutions at the county level or above the regiment level to hospitals, municipal hospitals and municipal hospitals. who meet the requirements for medical examinations. Community health service centers, medical examination centers, and other medical institutions.

In addition, based on the implementation of the exemption for non-operating small buses and minibuses with less than 6 seats within 6 years, non-operating minibuses and minibuses with 7 to 9 seats (except vans) within 6 years will be will be included in the scope of the exemption. For small non-operational minibuses (except vans) older than 6 years but less than 10 years, the inspection will be adjusted from once a year to once every two years.

  The security of pension institutions is more secure

The recently revised “Administrative Measures for Elderly Care Facilities” will be officially implemented on November 1, 2020. The new method reinforces the security responsibilities of elderly care facilities and many other management responsibilities, so that older residents have “old age”.

The measures guarantee safety,Service operationRegulations on safety and protection have been developed, which expressly require institutions for the care of the elderly to reduce operational risks by implementing 24-hour service, installing video surveillance facilities in public places and promoting liability insurance .

In addition, combined with the prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemicjobs, The Measures establish new provisions to improve the emergency response and emergency management capabilities of elderly care institutions, requiring elderly care institutions to establish and improve emergency response systems, do a good job in responding. to public health emergencies and prevent and control infectious diseases in nursing homes Establish clear requirements.

The method is clear: if the civil affairs department discovers illegal activities in the elderly care facility that need to be investigated and dealt with by other departments during supervision and inspection, it will immediately notify the relevant departments for handling. At the same time, the implementation of the “double random, one open” supervision method requires the civil affairs department to carry out on-site inspections on the safety and quality of services of elderly care institutions not less than one Once a year.

  The marketing activities of financial institutions must follow the principle of good faith.

Financing revised and supplementedconsumptionImplementation measures for the protection of the rights and interests of employers, effective as of November 1, 2020, to regulate moreBank, The operational behavior of payment institutions.

The Measures regulate the rights closely related to financial consumers, establish clearer requirements in terms of fair commercial rights and independent options, and optimize the terms of the information security rights of financial consumers.

For example, financial institutions should follow the principle of good faith when conducting marketing activities, and the actual obligations of financial institutions should not be less than those approved in marketing activities.advertisingStandards promised to financial consumers in the form of information or descriptions Financial institution to be financedproductWhen disclosing information with services, methods that are conducive to financial consumer acceptance and understanding should be used. Financial institutions shall respect the true willingness of financial consumers to purchase financial products and services and shall not arbitrarilyattorneyFinancial consumers will not change their business instructions without authorization when conducting business.

  The sports lottery adjusts the rules of the game

  Limit irrational lottery purchases

To effectively strengthen the lotterymarketSupervision, strict control of market risks, the Ministry of Finance and the General Sports Administration recently issued a notice to further adjust the rules of the single-game guessing game, to be implemented from November 1, 2020 .

According to the new rules, single game guessing games will be rewardedcousinThe ratio is adjusted from 71% to 70%, and theLottery charity fundThe extraction rate has increased from 20% to 21%. The amount of the purchase of a single ticket will not exceed 6,000 yuan; If the accumulated amount of single-day bets exceeds 10,000 yuan (not included), the lottery buyer needs to make an appointment and register under the real name. The sales time of Monday to Friday is controlled within 11 hours, and the sales time of Saturday and Sunday is controlled within 12 hours.

In terms of sales terminal management, please continue to strictly applyPhysical storeSales terminalQuantitative restrictions, To further reduce the standard of single-day sales of a single sales terminal Without the consent of the sports lottery sales agency, single-day sales of a single sales terminal shall not exceed 30,000 yuan on Monday to Friday; single-day sales on Saturdays and Sundays will not exceed 50,000 yuan.

 Design of speed limit signs in national road regulations

Speed ​​limit standards on some roads fluctuate,highwayThe “high speed” problem worries many drivers. The “Code for the Design of Highway Speed ​​Limit Signs” which came into effect on November 1, 2020 is expected to make the design of speed limit signs more scientific and reasonable.

The standard focuses on how to determine the speed limit of specific road signs within the framework of laws and regulations. According to the meaning of design speed, race speed and speed limit, the specification introduces race speed as an important factor in the design of road speed limit signs, and clearly requires that the relationship between the speed limit of the signs and the legal speed limit, the design speed and the running speed are coordinated.

The specification establishes the requirements for comprehensive measures to be taken on road sections with special speed limits, and stipulates that, in addition to speed limit signs, measures and measures such as active guidance and forced deceleration can be established together withtrafficLaw enforcement to further improve the effectiveness of speed management.

The specification emphasizes that the design of speed limit signs on highways involves the management of traffic safety on the highways andpublicto acceptIn the design of speed limit signs, it is recommended to strengthen consultation with relevant public departments and representatives.communicationCoordinate and actively listen to the design of speed limit signs.opinion

(Source: Shaanxi Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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