When the class teacher complained: The era of unwanted PE teachers should be over-Comment-Beijing News


▲ Data map. The graph is irrelevant.Figure / Beijing News Network

Recently, a high school in Qingdao, Shandong province, let a physical education teacher be the principal, but parents objected and complained, raising social concern. On October 16, the relevant head of the Ministry of Education responded to this matter. Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Sports, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, said that teachers of physical education, music, art and technology can be classroom teachers. Each teacher has a teacher qualification certificate, which meets the requirements of teachers, they only teach different subjects.

Parents oppose the physical education teacher as a classroom teacher, first because they do not understand the responsibilities of the classroom teacher, and second because of prejudice against the physical education teacher. Be it a misunderstanding or a prejudice, it all stems from the current trend towards exams in basic education. In order to allow parents to correctly understand the responsibilities of classroom teachers and treat teachers in all disciplines equally, in addition to including relevant topics in the evaluation of entry to higher education, it is more important to adhere to the rule of law, uphold scientific educational values ​​and restore the healthy and educational ecology of basic education. .

It is not new for a physical education teacher to be a school principal, as many schools have physical education teachers as principals. Since the responsibilities of a class teacher are primarily responsible for the management and construction of the class, and the organization of group activities, the physical education teacher has its advantages. However, some parents believe that physical education teachers are not as concerned about student academic performance as foreign language teachers. In reality, this is positioning the responsibilities of the classroom teacher as “monitoring” students’ academic performance and test scores.

It also shows the status of physical education teachers at the school. In school teaching activities, physical education is not only usually “sick” and squeezed by the teaching of other subjects, and physical education, aesthetic education and other subjects are positioned as “subtopics” and physical education teachers are “sub-subject teachers”.

Incorporating sports, aesthetic education, and other disciplines into the high school and college entrance exam is an idea to “improve” the status of these disciplines and teachers. The current department of education is also doing exactly this: the “Opinions on the comprehensive strengthening and improvement of school sports work in the new era” and the “Opinions on the comprehensive strengthening and improvement of school aesthetic education work in the new era” , published recently, mentioned that sports points should be increased year after year. Value, reaching the level of the same score as the number of languages. This is to promote sports to the same “major subject” status outside of linguistic mathematics. Under this circumstance, parents will not dare to belittle their physical education teachers, and other subjects will no longer squeeze sports time. As Wang Dengfeng said: “In the future, it is at least necessary to protect the physical education teacher’s class time, not to be” sick “often. I hope that the physical education teacher as a principal is no longer a problem and becomes in a trend.

However, the idea of ​​improving the state of the subject by including exams, in essence, still follows the idea of ​​the entrance exam. For a healthy basic education, the “five educations simultaneously” must be implemented to reverse the tendency of basic education to take tests.

To get rid of the direction of a school oriented to higher education, it is necessary to emphasize the rule of law. With regard to sport, governments at all levels should guarantee the physical education resources of schools, and urge schools to open complete physical education courses in accordance with the law and organize students for the realization of extracurricular physical exercises. In fact, schools do not offer all physical education classes, they do not guarantee physical education teaching time and physical exercise time for students, which is illegal to run schools. However, because those illegal schools are run for a higher enrollment rate, local education departments only care about this. Close your eyes and treat yourself, this is a major reason why sport is not valued.

This change in guidance for higher education will also affect the specific implementation of the reform to include physical education in the high school entrance exam and increase the score. The physical test is different from the test for subjects other than language and mathematics. Foreign language and mathematics subjects can take a unified test grade as the final grade, while the physical test is to evaluate the performance of students in ordinary physical education and physical exercise to calculate the average grade. If the education departments and local schools adhere to the direction of entering higher education and pursue the entrance rate of the middle school entrance examination, then they will release water when evaluating sports. Without professional and credible process evaluation, the role of the physical education entrance exam in promoting student interest in sports and cultivating sports skills will be compromised.

Simply put, physical education is marginalized and physical education teachers are not treated by parents. It is the product of a utilitarian environment for cultivating candidates. Attention should be paid to the teaching of physical education and all other subjects. It is necessary to return education to the education of people and pay attention to the healthy growth of each student. Get into the process instead of chasing the end result.

□ Xiong Bingqi (Educator)

Editor: Wang Yanhu Intern: Zhang Xiaoyu Correction: Wu Xingfa
