What did you buy for Beijing’s net inflows of funds for 6 consecutive business days (with shares)? _Sina Finance_Sina.com


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  Original title Suddenly bad! Tens of billions of revenue a year fell, 350,000 shareholders were dumbfounded, and famous private equity bigwigs could be covered in quilts. Northbound funds are buying funds, net inflows for 6 consecutive business days, let’s take a look at what they bought (with stocks)

  Wen guo jie

The capital of North China had net inflows for 6 consecutive days and the four sectors received 6 consecutive days of increasing positions.

  Ten billion in revenue may fallOFILMHe was expelled from the “fruit chain”

On March 16, OFILM announced that the company had recently received a notice from specific foreign customers (hereinafter “specific customers”) that specific customers plan to terminate the acquisition relationship with the company and its subsidiaries, and subsequent companies already they will not. Obtain Existing Trade Orders from Specific Customers.In 2019, customer-related specific audited business revenue was 11.698 billion yuan, representing 22.51% of the total audited revenue in 2019.

Although OFILM did not specify the specific names of specific clients in this announcement,However, the industry believes that this particular customer is Apple.

Regarding the impact of this incident, Ou Feiguang said that the impact of this specific change in a customer’s order on the company’s operations and performance is still under evaluation, and there is greater uncertainty. In accordance with the aforementioned emergencies, the company will contact the audit and evaluation agencies as soon as possible to carry out deterioration tests on related equipment and other assets. The test results and the amount of the accrual have yet to be determined. According to the company’s preliminary estimate, as of December 31, 2020, the book value of the relevant equipment assets is approximately 3.282 billion yuan (unaudited), which represents approximately the company’s net assets attributable to the shareholders of listed companies as of December 31, 2020. (unaudited) 31.78%.

In the evening, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange hastily issued a letter of concern, requesting the company to supplement the disclosure of when a specific foreign customer plans to terminate the purchase relationship, and the current status of the order related to that customer. specific, and requiring the company to self-examine and verify whether the disclosure of information about changes to orders is timely.The company intends to transfer its business assets related to the supply of cameras to specific clients abroad forWingtechThe progress of the transaction, the impact of this matter on the transaction.

In fact, in the past year, Apple removed Ou Feiguang from the supply chain list, repeatedly “causing” nerves in the market. Although the company issued timely clarification announcements and denied rumors of a “breakup” with Apple, the repeated rumors still had an impact on the company’s share price.Since September 1 of last year, OFILM’s share price has fallen 46.29% overall, and its market value has evaporated by more than 20 billion yuan. As of March 10, although the number of shareholders in the company has decreased, there are still 358,900.The share price cut in half, coupled with rumors that Apple kicked it out of the group, is certainly worse for the 358,900 shareholders.

Similarly, some private equity moguls who own stocks can also suffer considerable losses. According to OFILM’s third quarter 2020 report, the Gaoyi Linshan No.1 Yuanwang Private Equity Fund managed by well-known private equity mogul Feng Liu is among the top ten shareholders. As of the third quarter of 2020, it holds 17.8 million OFILM shares, representing 0.66% of total equity. Feng Liu entered the position of 17.8 million shares of OFILM in the second quarter of 2020; In the second quarter of 2020, OFILM’s lowest price was 13.24 yuan and the latest closing price was 10.15 yuan.This also means that if Feng Liu still owns the OFIL shares, he will lose at least 23%.

  Northbound funds are willing to buy funds

After the holidays, the major A-share indices saw a significant correction. The Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 8.14% since the holidays to the low of March 10, the Shenzhen Index has fallen 15.03% and the ChiNext Index has fallen. 21.59%. However, since March 9, the trend of large outflows to the north has ended.There has been a net inflow for 6 consecutive business days and the willingness to buy funds is total.

From an industry perspective, since March 9, while Beijing Capital has continuously achieved net flows, 15 Shenwan Tier 1 industries have obtained Beijing Capital to increase their positions.Textiles and clothing, architectural decoration, banking, transport, mediaThese top five industries received a large proportion of Northbound funding to increase positions, and the position increases were 8.03%, 5.41%, 5.30%, 3.68% and 3.12% respectively.

In contrast, the five sectors with the largest margin reduction areCommercial trade, leisure services, IT, light industry manufacturingwithAgriculture, forestry, livestock and fishing. According to the comparison between the last number of shares and the number of shares on March 8, the amount of capital reduction to the north in these five industrial sectors was 4.32%, 3.13%, 2, 8%, 2.34% and 2.23%, respectively.

It is worth noting that among Shenwan’s 28 top-tier industries, 4 industries have achieved 6 consecutive days of gaining positions in the Beijing capital during the nearly 6 consecutive business days of continuous net capital inflows from Beijing.Textiles and clothing, benches, electrical equipmentwithfood and drink

  The list of stocks with a large proportion of funds in the north direction is published.

From the perspective of changes in the number of shares held by Beijing Capital Funds, since March 9, among the top 20 Beijing Capital Capital shares to increase positions, the proportion of increased positions has exceeded 0.55%, and most of the actions come fromElectrical equipment, medical biology and non-ferrous metals

  GlodonThe largest increase in positions, the last number of shares held is 127 million shares, compared with the number of shares held on the 8th, an increase of 15.2741 million shares, the rate of increase is 1 , 29%.

Followed byXingang, The latest number of shares in possession is 250 million shares, the number of shares in possession has increased by 31.8594 million shares, and the proportion of increased positions is 1%. Xingang’s share price has risen 17.19% since the 9th. Furthermore, among these securities that have received capital from Beijing to increase their positions,New drug ZhaoyanwithLianlongSince the 9th, the share price has risen by more than 10%.

Among the top 20 stocks to lighten, there are 9 stocks with a lightening ratio greater than 1%, which arePenghui EnergyCooking ShanxiTurning rod information(Protection of rights),Star of venusVantage ActionsFangda special steelCYTSLuxi ChemicalwithJoyson Electronics

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