Welcome to the Beijing Winter Olympics ice test event “prepare for exams” | Beijing | Beijing Winter Olympics | Winter Olympics_Sina Technology_Sina.com


Original title: Welcome to the Beijing Winter Olympics to “prepare for the exams”

Beijing Business Daily (Reporter Tao Feng and Wang Chenting) On the afternoon of March 4, the “Ice Ribbon”, the iconic venue of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, became popular. The Winter Olympics project builders of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, the Beijing Major Projects Bureau, and the ice stadiums in the Beijing competition area have jointly cleaned up the internal and external environment of stadiums, which is the ice of the Winter Olympics “Meet in Beijing” project that will begin in April this year Prepare for test activities. On the night of March 3, a reporter for the Beijing Commercial Daily conducted an exclusive interview with Wang Yanxia, ​​deputy director of the Sports Department of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Organizing Committee.

“Today is the 338-day countdown to the Winter Olympics. Preparations for the Winter Olympics are progressing as planned and are now ready for testing.” At the beginning of the interview, Wang Yanxia accurately reported the countdown time for the Winter Olympics.

The test preparation stage has successfully completed the basic planning and special planning stages, and has reached the third stage of preparation for the Winter Olympics. This phase will last until September 2021 and, once completed, will be the operation phase in race time. During this phase, a series of test competitions will be conducted to test policies and procedures formulated in various business areas at the venue level to prepare for the venue for the Winter Olympics.

“In fact, all the competition venues have been completed and delivered, and the event organization and service guarantees are progressing as planned. Due to the impact of the new corona epidemic and restrictions on international travel, it is difficult for athletes everywhere “The originally scheduled test match was forced to postpone or cancel. To test the operation of the venue, we organized a series of test activities. “Wang Yanxia told reporters that the Test event cannot replace the test match, but at the current stage, the competition venues have been handed over. and must be approved.Test events to see if the various workflows are reasonable, if the related business areas are connected smoothly, and if the on-site software and hardware installations are functioning normally.

The reporter noted that from the fifth day of the Lunar New Year to the Lantern Festival, the first mock test of the Winter Olympic Games “Meeting in Beijing” has just ended in the Yanqing and Zhangjiakou competition areas of the Olympic Games. of Beijing Winter. In 10 days, 20 tests were carried out in 3 groups of competition venues. According to reports, in this test, both Beijing and Zhangjiakou established guarantee headquarters of urban operation. After joint training, event organization and urban operation service guarantee were further integrated, making future event operations smoother and laying a solid foundation for the next stage. Foundation.

However, Wang Yanxia also mentioned that these testing activities cannot replace formal testing competitions. “According to plan, we will organize some test matches in the second half of this year, all of which are international events. Relevant parties will assess the impact of the epidemic in advance to determine whether the events can be held as scheduled.” “

Wang Yanxia also mentioned the opportunities that the Winter Olympics will bring to Beijing. “I believe that the Winter Olympics will have a far-reaching impact on the two cities of Beijing and Zhangjiakou. The most intuitive impact is to promote the popularization of ice and snow sports. When the Winter Olympics were successfully tendered, our foundation for ice and snow sports was very weak, and some The national project team has not yet been formed. After seven years of preparations, ice and snow sports have developed vigorously by leaps and bounds. The population of ice and snow sports continues to rise and may peak around the time of the Winter Olympics. “

Regarding the “Olympic legacy” formed during the preparations for the Winter Olympics and after it is held in the future, Wang Yanxia believes that the places, talents, ideas and spirits formed by the preparations for the Winter Olympics will be used and benefited. people. The preparations for the Winter Olympics have always adhered to the concept of “green hosting, shared hosting, open hosting and clean running”, and these concepts will be deeply rooted in people’s hearts after the end of the Winter Olympics. .

As a representative of the sports sector of the CPPCC National Committee, Wang Yanxia also shared with journalists the proposal he presented this time. Based on the results of last year’s survey, he presented a proposal for the integral and healthy development of young people. “I keep making suggestions mainly from a sports management perspective. One is to increase the supply of sports and fitness facilities, especially the implementation of sports facilities in residential communities. In fact, the relevant plans and documents have requirements for this, but some places Not in place; second, it is recommended to focus on improving the level of physical education in primary and secondary schools, with a strong team of physical education teachers; third, it is recommended to improve the competition system for primary school and high school students and build a platform for elementary and middle school students to show their athleticism. “
