Wedding official fired after criticizing crown policy Money


Bucciarelli believes that the requirement that a maximum of 30 people be able to gather at a wedding or church gathering is not in line with other government policies. “Everyone has to stay indoors, keep a meter and a half away, and shop alone. But being present with 30 men at a wedding, right?


“It is very difficult for me to give groceries to my in-laws without hugging them,” the wedding official told the local newspaper on Tuesday. “And then we’ll all get married, without you flying around your neck outside your town hall? I don’t think so.

The wedding official believes that only five people should be present at a wedding: the newlyweds, two witnesses, and an official.

Breach of duty

The Nijmegen municipality thought the official was confusing her statements and fired her immediately. “We follow the instructions in the emergency ordinance.” The official was fired for “serious breach of duty.” You received that message via Skype.

The 48-year-old official understands that the municipality was not happy with his statements, but considers that the dismissal is too serious a consequence, he tells De Gelderlander.


There are also municipalities where fewer people are allowed to attend a wedding during the crown crisis. For example, only five people can be present in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In some other municipalities, the limit is fifteen.
