We have gone through the thirteenth five-year plan: today the twenty-first Hohhot Zhaojun Cultural Festival begins_Inner Mongolia News_Inner Mongolia Morning Net-Spread the most valuable information | Inner Mongolia Key news website | Inner Mongolia Morning News Official Website


Let’s review the thirteenth five-year plan: Today the twenty-first Hohhot Zhaojun Cultural Festival begins_Inner Mongolia News_Inner Mongolia Morning Net-Spread the most valuable information | Inner Mongolia key news website | Inner Mongolia Morning News official website

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We look at the thirteenth five-year plan: today the twenty-first Hohhot Zhaojun Cultural Festival begins

October 01, 2020 4:18 PM
Inner Mongolia Morning News
Guo Zhihua

Morning News Financial Media, Reporter Trainee Su Qin

News from our newspaper On October 1, the 21st Hohhot Zhaojun Cultural Festival officially opened at the Zhaojun Museum.

The theme of this year’s Zhaojun Cultural Festival is “Sing the main theme of national unity and write a new chapter of harmonious development”, with the purpose of “The Chinese nation is a family, building a Chinese dream together,” which introduces grassland culture and Zhaojun culture and mass culture. As a basis, build a national characteristic cultural brand of the capital, promote the development of the cultural tourism industry, and continuously improve Hohhot’s external influence.

It is understood that this year’s Zhaojun Cultural Festival has a total of 10 activities, covering theatrical performances, dance recitations, film festival associations, electronic sporting events, intangible cultural heritage food culture and other fields and various cultural expressions. and artistic. The follow-up activities of the cultural festival will take place from October 1 to 8 at the Zhaojun Museum, Ruyi Square, Dazhao Square, Moni Mountain Intangible Heritage City, Minority Sports Center, Chilechuan Grasslands, Wanda Places such as squares are being deployed .

It is understood that compared to previous years, this year’s Zhaojun Cultural Festival pays more attention to citizens’ interactive experience and youth group sense of participation, combines traditional culture, national culture, popular cultural elements and offline activities , and joins Chile. A series of activities such as Sichuan Grassland Super Cross-Country Race, “Aobao Meeting”, collective wedding and youth friendship activities, “Zhaojun Out of the Fortress”, “Run, Hohhot” e-sports themed competition, fluorescent night racing activities they are closer to the lives of citizens.

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