“Virologists have a hard time getting EU money for research” – The Daily Standard


According to the virologist Lia van der Hoek, leader of a European coronavirus research group, it is almost impossible to obtain additional funding from the high pips in Brussels. This while this European team has been investigating various forms of the coronavirus for several years.

For many years, Van der Hoek has been researching various types of coronavirus with a team of doctoral students. When the virus broke out in China, she and her team immediately rang the bell in Brussels. To his surprise, silence fell.

“As a research group, we have been mapping the coronavirus for years. Even before the virus was in the Netherlands, our team already had a synthetic version in Switzerland. I said that we have been investigating coronaviruses for years and asked what the possibilities are to help, but the EU did not want the money to be available to us. ”

After a few weeks, there was still a response. The money has already been turned over to research teams that had far less experience than their team. This to the surprise of his team.

Van der Hoek has long advocated putting all the experience within the EU into one big crisis team. There are now dozens of teams, so knowledge is highly fragmented. According to her, the EU should free up money for a large team of experts.

Van der Hoek is also very critical of the Dutch variant of the blockade. She believes that a total block would have been much better.

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