Various activities + 1 good news Hulunbuir World Meteorological Day like this_Hulunbuir News-Hulunbuir Daily


source:Daily Hulunbuir

release time:2021-03-23 ​​23:31:24

3.23 World Meteorological Day

Ocean, our climate and weather

World Meteorological Day

In June 1960, the World Meteorological Organization passed a resolution to establish the effective date of the convention, namely March 23, as “World Meteorological Day” in 1961. Each year, “World Meteorological Day” determines a theme, and this year’s theme is “The ocean, our climate and the weather.”

On the occasion of this year’s meteorological day

Organization of the Hulunbuir Meteorological Office

Several unique meteorological science activities

We’ll see!

The Municipal Directorate of Meteorology and the Municipal Library carry out the dissemination activities of meteorological science on campus.

On March 22, the Hulunbuir Meteorological Office and the Hulunbuir Library entered the Hailar District Railway Second Primary School and gave a science outreach conference on “The relationship between winter snowfall and snow depth” for more than 150 students.

Experts from the Municipal Meteorological Observatory used easy-to-understand language combined with daily meteorological phenomena to analyze and point out the relationship between snowfall and snow depth, as well as the relationship between depth and temperature of snow, wind and other meteorological elements. The Municipal Meteorological Observatory also distributed meteorological science manuals to the students.

Through lectures, students can experience the scientific mysteries contained in the snowfall and stimulate students’ interest in learning meteorological knowledge.

World Meteorological Day: Elementary students enter the Meteorological Office to explore the mysteries of meteorology.

On March 23, more than 50 third-grade primary school students from Yimin Primary School in Hailar District, led by their teachers, visited the Hulunbuir Meteorological Office to explore the mysteries of meteorology and enrich their outreach knowledge. scientific.

Two experts from the Hulunbuir Meteorological Observatory used vivid language and science outreach videos to explain to students the origin of the theme “The ocean, our climate and the weather” for World Meteorological Day 2021, and how the weather forecast was made. time, and they answered the place Questions from classmates.

After the visit, the Municipal Meteorological Office staff also distributed meteorological science manuals and school supplies to the students.

This visit not only made the students learn meteorological knowledge, but also increased their awareness of the prevention of natural disasters and the protection of the ecological environment, enriching the meteorological knowledge of the students, inspiring the desire of the students to explore meteorological issues. and experiencing the joy of scientific inquiry.

Weather science outreach broadcast live from the silver yurt deep in the prairie

On March 23, the Hulunbuir Meteorological Office organized a team of experts to go into the prairie and broadcast a joint live broadcast with the prairie media expert “Dashi the Shepherd” who has nearly 5 million fans. .

This live broadcast took the blizzard weather in the Hulunbuir grassland on March 14 this year as a starting point, and responded to the concerns of grassroots farmers and herder friends led by Darcy, “the beginning of the formation of the snowstorms, how does the weather serve agriculture, livestock and forestry production, what role does the meteorological service play in preventing natural disasters? ”and three other types of questions.

This live broadcast event attracted the attention of a large number of Kuaishou fans, with 2.4 million video views, 74,000 people following the live broadcast, and 20,000 fans participating in the interaction.

Through this live broadcast, more pastors and people have learned about relevant meteorological science knowledge and common sense of disaster prevention and mitigation, and have effectively strengthened their awareness of self-rescue and prevention capabilities. emergencies.

In addition to the various activities mentioned above

The reporter also learned that ↓↓↓

Hulunbuir City to establish high-scoring satellite sub-center

Provide real-time, secure, reliable, stable and intensive high-scoring data for all industries in the city.

A few days ago, the Inner Mongolia Data and Application Center of the High Resolution Earth Observation System issued a document in which it agreed to trust the Hulunbuir Meteorological Office to establish the “Hulunbuir High Resolution Satellite Sub-Center of Mongolia Inner “and the Mongolia High-resolution Earth Observation System Data and Applications Center Business guidance and technical assistance.

What are the applications of high-scoring satellites? How to benefit people’s lives? It is understood that after the establishment of the center’s branch in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, the high-scoring satellite will mainly handle four main tasks. Focus on the development of high-scoring remote sensing application demonstrations for ecological environmental protection and ecological restoration in Hulunbuir, to provide spatial information services for economic and social development; According to the principle of the market mechanism, actively promote the development of high-scoring data regional applications and promote the industrialization of applications; combine Hulunbuir application needs, organize and carry out high-scoring data application planning and demonstration, technical training, publicity and popularization, application technology research and development and application services; Obtain, manage, and use high-scoring data in accordance with relevant data policies and “high-scoring special project” management methods, and assuming the corresponding data security confidentiality management responsibility.

The Municipal Meteorological Office will establish the short, medium and long-term construction objectives based on the construction principles of unified management, strengthened standards, priority of benefits and openness and coordination, and will focus on the five parts of the organization. system, data center, application center, promotion center and science center. Content, build a comprehensive high-scoring satellite remote sensing application system with reasonable design, clear division of labor, distinctive features and open cooperation, providing updates High-scoring, secure, reliable, stable and intensive data deployment for all city ​​industries, supporting the development of high-scoring application projects in various industries.

(Reporter: Wang Yao, Correspondent: Xu Yuqiang)
