Vaccine research and development is in no way a fight against competition, the international community should strengthen cooperation rather than fight individually


Vaccine development is in no way a fight against competition (bells)

Only the last country to emerge from the epidemic will be the final victory in the global fight against the epidemic.The international community must strengthen cooperation in vaccine research and development, rather than fighting each other and blaming each other, much less self-interest and control of resources.

The new corona pneumonia epidemic is still in the pandemic stage and the vaccine plays a key role in humanity’s final victory over the epidemic. Governments, international organizations, non-profit organizations and companies are actively cooperating to accelerate research and development of vaccines. However, on the one hand, some people in individual countries tried to buy ownership of the new corona vaccine developed by companies in other countries and snatch the patents for vaccine production. As humanity jointly responds to grave challenges, the extremely selfish parties that senselessly politicized the epidemic and forced unilateralism have caused serious interference and damage to world unity in fighting the epidemic and maintaining public health security. .

Vaccines must become a global public product and build a defense shield against disease for people around the world. They must never become a weapon of attack and discredit. The World Vaccine Summit videoconference in June this year called on governments and international organizations to work together to raise funds to support vaccination. The 74th General Assembly voted not long ago to pass a comprehensive resolution on the new corona pneumonia epidemic, calling on member states to commit to all countries to obtain timely diagnostic tools, treatment methods, drugs and vaccines. , high quality, safe, effective and affordable. The UN Secretary General, Guterres, emphasized that vaccines should be considered as a “global public product”, “because the new coronavirus knows no borders”, and the “nationalism of vaccines” should be especially opposed. The World Health Organization has repeatedly called for competition to be avoided in the process of developing and supplying new corona vaccines. The world must strengthen solidarity and cooperation so that risks can be shared, benefits can be shared, and a new safe and effective corona vaccine must be found. These voices embody the common aspirations of the international community and fully demonstrate that only through unity, cooperation and upholding equity and justice in vaccine research, development, production and distribution can we better safeguard common interests. of the world.

In the process of developing a new corona vaccine, China is an active contributor and participant in the results. Following the novel corona pneumonia outbreak, Chinese researchers quickly isolated and identified the virus strain and shared the complete virus genome sequence with the WHO, providing an important foundation for scientists around the world to carry out. research on drugs, vaccines and diagnostics. President Xi Jinping emphasized China’s proposal on many international occasions: “Once the new Chinese crown vaccine is completed and put into use, it will be a global public product and will make China’s contribution to the realization of accessibility. and vaccine affordability in developing countries “. Making vaccines affordable and available to all countries and all populations “” China has already entered phase III clinical trials of many vaccines and will be used as a global public product once it is completed and put into use R&D, and developing countries will be given priority. “China is willing to give priority to sharing with African countries after the vaccine is developed and put into use successfully.” … This is the responsibility of an important country, and is a vivid interpretation and active practice of the concept of a community with a shared future for humanity. US Consumer News and Business Channel believes that China has established a better image in the global fight against the epidemic and has also made more countries willing to side with China.

China defends that “the world is public” and has always believed in words and deeds. China currently has 11 new corona vaccines in clinical trials, of which 4 new corona vaccines have entered phase III clinical trials. Chinese vaccine companies have signed cooperative agreements with institutions in many countries to jointly implement phase III clinical trials based on compliance with laws and regulations. This is China’s tangible contribution to the global fight against the epidemic, demonstrating the humanitarian sentiment of helping the world and boundless love, and has won the universal praise of the international community.

Viruses know no borders, and vaccine development is by no means a fight against competition. Only the last country to emerge from the epidemic will be the final victory in the global fight against the epidemic. The international community must strengthen cooperation in vaccine research and development, rather than fighting each other and blaming each other, not to mention self-interest and dominating resources. It is obvious to all that, in a responsible attitude towards global public health, China has continued to strengthen international cooperation in vaccine research, development, production and distribution. It has taken vaccines as a global public product and has injected great force into global actions against the epidemic. This is the great righteousness and avenue that the international community generally receives.
