US Revokes Visas for Thousands of Chinese Citizens, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Absolute Political Persecution and Racial Discrimination |


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Original title: United States revokes visas for thousands of Chinese citizens, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: political persecution and racial discrimination

[Reportero de Global Times Bai Yun Yixuedan]According to a Reuters report on the 10th, a spokesman for the US State Department said at 9 local time that according to a presidential announcement on May 29, the United States revoked the visas of more than 1,000 Chinese citizens. Suspend the entry of students and researchers from China who are considered a “security risk.” In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian stated at a regular press conference on the 10th that overt measures by the United States government to harm the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese students studying in the United States States are political persecution and racial discrimination, and seriously violate the human rights of Chinese students studying in the United States.

Reuters stated in the report that the US State Department spokesman stated that the above action was an implementation of a presidential announcement issued by US President Trump on May 29 in response to China’s enactment. of the Hong Kong National Security Law. The spokesperson said: “As of September 8, 2020, the (US) State Department has revoked the visas of more than 1,000 Chinese nationals who are deemed affected by Presidential Announcement No. 10043 and are ineligible. for visas “. The spokesman also said that “high-risk graduate students and unskilled research scholars” only represent “a small portion” of Chinese who go to the United States for study and research, while “law students and academics you’ll be welcome”.

On the 9th, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf declared in a speech that Washington is blocking “certain visas for Chinese graduate students and researchers related to China’s civil-military integration strategy to prevent them from stealing visas.” Sensitive investigation results. “In his speech, Wolfe also reiterated the US accusations of” unfair business practices and industrial espionage “against China, including” attempts to steal research results of the novel corona virus, “and accused China of “abusing student visas and using American scholars.”

In the presidential announcement issued on May 29, Trump once again slandered the Chinese government for “stealing sensitive American technology and intellectual property rights” with the help of international students, threatening the “security and interests” of the United States. He announced that Chinese students and academics “related to the Chinese military” and with F-1 visa (student visa) and J visa (visiting student visa) will be prohibited from entering the United States, but not including students. undergraduate. Although the announcement did not specify the entities involved in the ban, an anonymous US official once revealed to the New York Times that the “targets” this time were China’s military academies and seven other “well-funded, scientific institutions.” Technological projects “traditional universities”. The previous announcement did not specify how many student visas will be revoked, but some US media broke the news in May, saying the official estimates that 3,000 people will be affected.

According to Reuters, about 360,000 Chinese citizens study in the United States each year, generating economic activities worth about $ 14 billion, most of which comes from tuition and other expenses. Influenced by this year’s new corona pneumonia epidemic, many prestigious American universities, including Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cornell University, and other universities, have declared a state of financial emergency. and they have reduced revenues and expenses by freezing hiring and cutting bonuses for faculty and staff. If Chinese students going to the United States are severely restricted by the Trump administration this fall semester, not only will additional studies and Chinese student and researcher exchange programs be hit hard, the American higher education sector will also face a new round of problems and challenges.

According to Reuters, some Chinese students studying at US universities stated that they received an email notification from the US Embassy in China or the US Consulate in China on Wednesday, informing them that their visas had been canceled. According to the report, nearly 50 Chinese students (including graduate and undergraduate students) with F-1 visas said that these notices mean that if they want to travel to the United States, they will have to apply for a new visa. Many of these students said they majored in science and engineering.

Regarding the unreasonable suppression of Chinese students and researchers by the United States government, Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on the 10th that, for some time, the United States has adopted a series of negative words and deeds in the field of humanities exchanges between China and the United States and the self-proclaimed openness and freedom of the United States. The idea is completely contrary to the national views of the two countries, and it is completely contrary to the trend of the time of international talent exchanges. It has a serious negative impact on the normal humanities and personnel exchanges between China and the United States, and has seriously damaged the social basis of relations between the two countries. Zhao Lijian emphasized that the United States should immediately stop using various excuses to restrict and repress Chinese students studying in the United States for no reason. We support Chinese students abroad to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law. China reserves the right to provide further answers to this matter.

Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the University of Foreign Affairs of China, said in an interview with a Global Times reporter on the 10th that, like the previous series of actions by the United States against China, the “concerns National security “that the United States requested the withdrawal of Chinese student visas remain just a matter of political excuses,” Trump once again ‘cast’ his country’s failure to rule the country to China. ” He believes the United States claims that it will continue to host legitimate Chinese students and researchers in the United States, but in the context of the massive cancellation of visas. This statement appears to have become a “hypocritical cover”.

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