Update: Yordi Teijsse is not in mortal danger after the fall of the balcony | Soccer


According to sources, Teijsse fell from a balcony on the fourth floor of an apartment building in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert. Teijsse ended six meters below on a plateau in a garage. He was then transported to the hospital by ambulance. AFC has confirmed the fall of Teijsse.

Teijsse is lucky that he suffered only minor injuries. It is a broken shoulder blade and a tear in the spleen. It is still unclear how long he should stay in the hospital.

Back to training in six weeks?

AFC hopes to start preparing for the new season in six weeks. Although it depends on the new guidelines to be published by Prime Minister Rutte on Tuesday. Teijsse hopes to resume training at that time.

Benno Nihom, president of the AFC Technical Committee, said: “We are in close contact with the family. Things are going well under the circumstances. Yordi is medically and knowingly stable. ”
