Up to date! Ant Group’s A-share redemption will start coming in next Monday! The Shanghai Stock Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission have responded one after another


Original title: New! Ant Group’s A-share redemption will start to arrive next Monday! The Shanghai Stock Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission responded one after another

In the afternoon of the 5th,Group of antsadthe companyAnd the main co-subscribers will start the refund procedure on November 6, 2020, according toinvestmentPaid byNew crotchUnderwriting funds and corresponding IPO brokerscommission(If applicable) and addBankThe same periodto depositInterest, returned to investors.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange responded to journalists’ questions on this matter, expressing respect and support for the decision, and will work with relevant parties to assist in the repayment of subscription funds, etc.jobs

The Securities Regulatory Commission stated that it recognized the aforementioned arrangements made in accordance with the laws and regulations to protect the interests of investors, and would guide the Shanghai Stock Exchange, China Clearing and other units to perform related work to ensure the orderly and smooth running of refunds.

  Group of ants: The refund process will begin on November 6.

  Group of ants(688688) On the evening of November 5, it was announced that the issuer and joint major underwriters had issued the “Ant Technology Group” on November 3, 2020.ShareLimited liability companyInitial public offeringScience and Technology Innovation BoardAnnouncement of suspension of listing. “To effectively protect the interests of investors, the issuer and joint major underwriters decided to suspend the issuance. The issuer and joint major underwriters will be added based on new share subscription funds paid by investors and the corresponding new share placement brokerage fee (if applicable)BankInterest on deposits in the same period was returned to investors.

The issuer and joint lead underwriters will initiate the redemption procedure on November 6, 2020, and the aforementioned funds will be returned on November 9, 2020. Shares subscribed by investors will be canceled on November 6, 2020.

After the suspension of the broadcast,Group of antsConsent to register the IPOReplyWithin the validity period, based on full verification and evaluation of the relevant post-meeting matters, it is decided whether to restart the broadcast according to the situation and make a timely announcement.

  Shanghai Stock Exchange: respect and supportGroup of antsDecide

On the night of November 5, the Shanghai Stock ExchangeGroup of antsCompany Limited by SharesPostponed to answer questions from journalists.

Reporter question: Tonight, Ant Group issued an announcement stating that it will suspend the issuance of the company and issue refunds to investors. How does the Shanghai Stock Exchange comment on this?

The Shanghai Stock Exchange said: On November 5, Ant Group Co., Ltd. and its joint major underwriters jointly announced that they decided to suspend the issuance of shares to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. This is a decision made by the issuer and the main insurer based on actual conditions.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange respects and supports this decision and will work with relevant parties to assist in the return of subscription funds.

In circumstances such as supervisory interviews with financial regulators that occurred prior to Ant Group’s listing, and recent changes in the financial technology regulatory environment that may have a significant impact on Ant’s business structure and earnings model Group, the above decision is correctmarketAnd responsible investors.

On November 3, the Shanghai Stock Exchange made the decision to suspend Ant Group’s listing. After the suspension of this issue, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will prudently handle the subsequent issue of shares and listing of Ant Group in accordance with laws and regulations.

  China Securities Regulatory Commission: Relevant Entities Requested

  Ensuring the orderly and smooth development of Ant Group’s reimbursement work

Subsequently, the Securities Regulatory Commissionnews spokespersonIn addition, Ant Group suspends listing and innovates the futurebackgroundAnswer the relevant questions.

A spokesperson for the China Securities Regulatory Commission said that recently, the Shanghai Stock Exchange registeredadministrationThe relevant provisions of the Measures made the decision to suspend Ant Group’s listing.After consultation with the primary underwriter, Ant Group plans to begin returning A-share’s online and offline subscription funds on November 6, 2020.strategySubscription funds and other payments paid by investors.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission recognizes the aforementioned arrangements made in accordance with laws and regulations to protect the interests of investors, and will guide the Shanghai Stock Exchange, China Clearing and other units to do the related work, and has required relevant entities to uphold the principles of openness, fairness and justice to ensure smooth and orderly refunds. To deploy.

Innovate some advance purchases in the next 18 monthsClosed bottomFor investors who expressed their willingness to withdraw, the China Securities Regulatory Commission stated that the CSRC has paid attention to the relevant situation and requestedFund managerFund salesThe institution fully considers the reasonable demands of investors and insistsHolderOn the principle of priority of interests, feasible measures are proposed in accordance with laws and regulations to effectively protect the rights and legitimate interests of investors.

(Source: Securities Times Net)

(Responsible editor: DF380)

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