Understand the global epidemic in an article: more than 62.51 million confirmed cases in the world have been diagnosed by the Russian army in a large-scale vaccination against the new crown | Italy | Russian army | India_Sina News


Original title: An article to understand the global epidemic: a total of 62.51 million confirmed cases worldwide, the Russian army began mass vaccination against the new crown

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  Overseas Network, November 29 Real-time statistics from the Worldometer website show that around 6:30 on November 29 Beijing time, a total of 6,519,948 cases of new coronary pneumonia have been confirmed worldwide, 1,457 accumulated. 137 deaths and more than 10,000 confirmed cases have been confirmed in 118 countries.

The global epidemic continues to spread. In the Americas, Thanksgiving can become an accelerator of the epidemic in the United States. Experts predict that the death rate will double in the next 10 days. The governor of Sao Paulo, Brazil, said he would consider adopting the Chinese vaccine; in Europe, the Russian army began mass vaccination against the new crown, and Italy used to ski The complex has become an empty city; In Asia, a hospital fire where a new crown patient was admitted in India caused 5 deaths, and Iran will start a human vaccine trial.

  Americas: Thanksgiving may become an accelerator in the United States

  United States

According to real-time statistics from Worldometer, around 6:30 on November 29 Beijing time, a total of 13,588,642 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States and a total of 272,148 deaths. Compared to the 6:30 a.m. data the day before, there were 121,658 new confirmed cases and 1,110 new deaths in the United States.

“Confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia are exploding across the United States, and Thanksgiving may become an accelerator.” The Thanksgiving holiday in the United States began on the 26th. As large numbers of people choose to travel and party, many medical experts fear that this will lead to a major outbreak of a new coronary pneumonia. . CNN quoted Reynal, a professor of medicine at the University of Washington, as saying that the daily death rate within 10 days of Thanksgiving in the United States will double and may lead to nearly 4,000 deaths a day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) forecast that the actual number of infected people in the United States may be close to 100 million. Although medical experts have successively issued warnings and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also issued no-travel advice, many Americans still choose to travel or fly to various locations to meet family and friends.


According to the latest data published by the Brazilian Ministry of Health on the night of November 28, local time, there were 51,922 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in a single day, and a total of 6,200,272 confirmed cases; 587 new deaths and a total of 172,561 deaths. Today, Brazil still ranks third in the world with confirmed cases, second only to the United States and India.

According to a Reuters report on the 26th, the governor of Sao Paulo in Brazil, Joao Doria, once again expressed his confidence in the Chinese vaccine. Doria said on the same day that even without approval from the Brazilian health regulatory agency, the state could still adopt the new crown candidate vaccine developed by China Kexing. He revealed that the State of São Paulo can use the Chinese vaccine with the approval of the health supervision agencies of other countries.

  Europe: Russian army begins mass vaccination against new crown, old Italy ski resort becomes empty city


According to data published by the French public health department on November 28, local time, at 2:00 p.m. on the same day, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in France reached 2,208,699 and 12,580 cases were added. additional in 24 hours. A total of 52,127 deaths were reported, of which 35,725 were hospital deaths and 213 were recently added within 24 hours.

French President Macron announced on the 24th that the country will lift the anti-epidemic blockade in three stages starting on November 28. Macron said people can travel without a curfew on December 24 on Christmas Eve and on December 31 on New Year’s Eve, but this year’s holidays “will certainly be different than before.” He called on people to continue to comply with epidemic prevention standards and “do everything possible to avoid the third wave of epidemics and the third ‘closed city'”.


According to the latest data published on the 28th on the official website of the prevention of the new corona virus epidemic of Russia, Russia has added 27,100 new confirmed cases of new corona pneumonia, a total of 2,242,633 confirmed cases, 510 new deaths from corona pneumonia and a total of 39,068 deaths.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu confirmed on the 27th that a new large-scale crown vaccination program has been launched in the Russian military, with the aim of vaccinating more than 400,000 soldiers. On the same day, the Russian Fund for Direct Investment announced an agreement with an Indian pharmaceutical company to authorize the latter to produce more than 100 million doses of the new corona vaccine “Satellite V” developed by Russia in India each year. Shoigu said that so far more than 2,500 Russian soldiers have been vaccinated against the new crown. This number will reach 80,000 by the end of this year.


According to data released by the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s Federal Agency for Disease Control, at 0:00 local time on November 28, Germany had a total of 1,028,089 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 21,695 new confirmed cases. There were 15,965 new related deaths and a total of 379 deaths.

The Tegel airport in Berlin, Germany, which was announced in early November and will be renovated, will become a new crown vaccination center from mid-December. Since Germany suspended entertainment and sports venues in early November and banned indoor dining at restaurants, the number of new coronavirus cases has reportedly stabilized, but the total number of cases remains high. Given this, Germany has deployed 60 vaccination centers throughout the country and expects to increase the intensity of the COVID-19 vaccination in the first quarter of 2021. Brom, the person responsible for preparing the Berlin vaccination center, said that at the airport from Tegel, “We will vaccinate 3,000 to 4,000 people every day.”


According to the latest data published by the Italian Ministry of Health on November 28, Italy has added 26,323 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in a single day, with a total of 1,564,532 confirmed cases; new deaths of 686 cases and a total of 54,363 deaths.

On November 26 local time, the restaurants in Passo Tonale, a ski resort in the Italian Dolomites, were closed. It is reported that due to the impact of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the ski resort is currently blocked. Campiglio, Madonna’s holy place at the ski resort, has also changed its bustling scenery in previous years.

  United Kingdom

According to statistics from the UK Department of Health and Social Security, as of November 28 local time, there were 15,871 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the UK in 24 hours, with a total of 1,605,172 confirmed; 479 new deaths, a total of 58,030 deaths within 28 days of diagnosis. .

On the 26th, the British government announced the different levels of prevention and control of the new crown to be implemented in various parts of England after the end of the current large-scale “footless” measures. The localities will then implement the corresponding prevention and control measures based on these levels. Upon completion of the “footless” measures, England will implement a new three-tier “enhanced” corona alert system, with levels one through three corresponding to the three alert levels of “medium”, “high” and “very high “and the corresponding prevention and control measures.

  Asia: 5 Hospital Fire Deaths Admitted to New Crown Patient in India, Iran to Begin Human Vaccine Trials


According to the latest data released by the Indian Ministry of Health on the 28th, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in India increased to 9,351,109. In the past 24 hours, India has recently confirmed 41,322 new cases, 485 new deaths and a total of 136,200 deaths.

According to Indian media reports, on the 27th, a fire broke out in the intensive care unit of a designated hospital for new crown patients in the Rajkod area of ​​Gujarat state in western India that morning, killing at least 5 patients and injuring 6 other patients. At the time of the fire, 33 COVID-19 patients were receiving treatment at the hospital, including 11 patients in the intensive care unit. The fire has been brought under control and the wounded have been sent to other hospitals for treatment.


According to the latest news from the Iranian Ministry of Health on 28 local time, in the last 24 hours, Iran has recently confirmed 13,402 new cases of new coronary pneumonia and 391 new deaths. As of noon on the 28th, Iran had a total of 935,799 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, of which 648,831 were cured, 47,486 died and 5,865 were seriously ill.

A spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Health told the media that the company will soon begin human testing of the new coronavirus vaccine. The spokesperson said: “There are currently four companies that are studying the production of new coronavirus vaccines and all have notified the WHO of the progress of the company’s research. One or two companies may soon enter the testing phase in human vaccine “.

  Confirmed cases in other countries

Among Asian countries, except India and Iran; Singapore has confirmed 58,205 cases; Israel has confirmed 334,626 cases …

Among the countries of Oceania, Australia has confirmed 27,885 cases; New Zealand has confirmed 2,050 cases …

Among the countries of America, with the exception of the United States and Brazil, Peru has confirmed 960,368 cases, and Chile has confirmed 548,941 cases … (Overseas Net Yang Jia Zhang Yaorong)

(Source: Worldmeter data, Indian Ministry of Health official website, Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health official website, Pakistani Ministry of Health official website, Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, CCTV, etc. .)

Editor in Charge: Zhang Yu
