Travel with Yilu to speak for “Children of the Stars” -Qingdao News Net


Travel with Yilu and speak for “Children of the Stars”

Around us there is a group of children who always seem to be immersed in their own world, it is difficult for people to enter their hearts, they are called “children of the stars”. Autism is also known as autism or autistic disorder. Due to developmental disorders of the nervous system, abnormalities in language, emotions, cognition and behavior occur, and normal communication and social communication skills are lacking. Relevant statistics show that there are more than 10 million people with autism in China and more than 2 million children with autism. Early detection and intervention are the most important educational methods for the rehabilitation of children with autism. More specific and professional intervention training will help them return to society as soon as possible.

In December 2007, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution. Since 2008, April 2 will be designated as “World Autism Awareness Day” to increase people’s awareness of autism and related research and diagnoses, as well as the care of patients with autism.

Today is the fourteenth “World Autism Awareness Day”. Volunteers from the Qingdao branch of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank responded to the call of “Extraordinary Concern” and organized three groups of volunteers based on the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Volunteer Service Base and Station Qingdao television station. The team carried out a series of charitable activities for the care of children with autism: they entered the Xingkong Zhicheng Rehabilitation Center in Chengyang District, participated in the inauguration ceremony of the voluntary service base, and asked the society to provide care for autism and understand autism; They entered the Rehabilitation Center of the Qingdao Women’s and Children’s Hospital, played with the children, communicated with the parents closely, and sent meticulously prepared teaching materials and toys to encourage them to build trust; They entered the Shibei district Holding hands from the kindergarten and took the children to the Four Seasons The farm, being close to nature and experiencing the joy of work also interprets that there is love, we are not alone.

Volunteers from the Qingdao branch of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank have also been through six springs and autumns on the path of charity to care for children with autism. They are constantly trying to transcend the scope of finance and integrate charity into society: launching “Be in the same blue sky, love is not alone” Themed activities on caring for children with autism, inviting many autistic children to participate in the playground and painting and coloring activities, encouraging children to play with joy and express their hearts with courage; organize “Children from the Stars-Caring for Autism” Charity Painting Exhibition for Children with Autism, which invited customers and employees to participate in the exhibition, and sold more than 30 paintings of children with autism. All proceeds were used for help the mental health of children with autism Autistic children carried out a charity sale, and the funds raised were used to donate to an autistic kindergarten to help autistic children with family financial difficulties … Concern about the disease, We call on everyone to care for children with autism, so that “children of the stars” are not alone.

Existence is a certain kind of rationality. The world is never perfect. People with autism are part of this world, a part of our colorful life and a touch of color in this beautiful world. For them, do your best With the joint efforts of the whole of society, we will help them to dispel the haze.
