Tom Dumoulin: “Stay All In” | Cycling


Dumoulin normally sits on a bicycle, outside. Due to the corona virus, the Jumbo-Visma rider remains inside, even now that the weather is improving. “The weather is great outside. There is a huge temptation to go biking, motorcycle riding, or picnic in the park,” the former Giro winner begins his message.

In the Netherlands there is a smart block. This means that people are allowed to leave the house, as long as they are kept one and a half meters away. “But if we all do that, the meter and a half will no longer be sustainable. So with this I ask you to go out only for what is necessary,” he says. “This weather will normally be there in June as well. Let’s make sure we can get out again in June. Take care, I will do the same.

Dumoulin doesn’t have to wear his black and yellow shirt just yet. The cycling world has come to a complete halt due to the corona virus. The spring classics have already been removed from the calendar, including the Giro, which Dumoulin wrote in his name in 2017.

The UCI has yet to make a final decision on the Tour de France, which the Limburger would drive this year.
