Throughout the four seasons: the face of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” riding the wind and waves | Heilongjiang News Net | Heilongjiang Daily Client



Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 25. Title: Through the four seasons: the faces of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” ridden by the wind and the waves

Xinhua News Agency reporters Dong Jun and Huang Yao

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year in history. From spring to fall, from south to north, epidemics, floods, typhoons, pests and diseases … all disasters happen one after another. Have people ever worried about whether there was enough food? Will the price of vegetables go up? Can they increase income?

Throughout the four seasons, defy the wind and waves. Looking back at the end of the year, you will see the weathered faces of farmers in that field, reflecting the joy of the “17 Lianfeng” grain and the stable supply of major agricultural products.

The Central Conference on Economic Work emphasized the need to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, understand agricultural production, and promote rural reform and rural construction. On the road to rural revitalization, hundreds of millions of peasant friends are heading for a better life!

I am Zhu Delin, Party Branch Secretary from Zhuyuangou Village, Yanzhuang City, Song County, Henan Province (data photo) Xinhua News Agency

[Cara 1]Before and after “Brother Da Cong” rushed to Wuhan

At this year’s Spring Festival, the Wuhan epidemic affected the hearts of people across the country. Zhu Delin, the party branch secretary from Zhuyuangou Village, Yanzhuang City, Song County, Henan Province, always felt that something should be done. The town is rich in green onions and the planting area is hundreds of mu. He moved with the idea of ​​sending green onions to the people of Wuhan.

During the Spring Festival, the manufacturer of onion cutting machinery could not be reached. Nearby villagers learned that green onions were being shipped to Wuhan, and more than 300 villagers voluntarily collected green onions.

Zhu Delin recalled that in 3 days, the villagers removed 100,000 green onion cats from 80 mu of soil in the ice and snow.

How to ship to Wuhan? This became a problem again. With the constant help of caring people, the green onions were finally shipped to Wuhan.

Zhu Delin earned the nickname “Brother Onion”.

Sichuan, Shandong, Hunan … farmers across the country have spontaneously sent trucks of vegetables, fruits, meat and other agricultural products to Wuhan.

Recently, Zhu Delin’s career has also improved. He originally sold green onions locally and started selling green onions from Yanzhuang to other places.

Last month, he was recognized when he was selling green onions in Luoyang, and green onions were stolen from a car in less than three hours. Friends from all over the world bought green onions through the phone and the Internet. “It’s selling fast,” I was very happy.

Next year, Zhu Delin hopes to encourage more farmers to grow green onions, build brands, and make the village’s green onion industry bigger and stronger.

This is a hot cabbage processing company introduced in Linsheng Village, Lanxi Town, Lanxi County, Heilongjiang (photo taken on July 7, photo of a drone) Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei.

[Cara 2]Agriculture meets “life”

In summer, Heilongjiang was hit by three typhoons in a row, and more than 100 acres of maize belonging to the Xin Hongjun family “planted” in the field.

Xin Hong, who lives in Linsheng Village, Lanxi Town, Lanxi County, has been planting most of his life, but he did not expect the corn he planted this year to have the worst housing.

“I haven’t found it in my life. As soon as the typhoon passed, the corn (corn) fell apart and the ground filled with water.”

He thought that this year’s corn production would be drastically reduced, “it would be nice if an acre of land could affect three or four hundred cats.”

Unexpectedly, the local technicians were sent to guide, and he actively remedied it, and the final production did not decrease much compared to previous years. Due to the increase in food prices, each mu of land was sold for more than 100 yuan more than in previous years.

This year, the village introduced hot cabbage processing companies, which can process 5000 acres of cabbage at full capacity. Xin Hongjun intends to plant 50 acres of cabbage next year and rotate crops to increase his income.

For next year, he hopes that “the year will be better than this year” and that a large combine can help to harvest corn, so that “you don’t have to worry about how much land you plant.”

Tang Fagen (left) builds a shed to grow seedlings in Zhonghuang Village, Pingjiang County, Hunan Province (photographed March 20). Xinhua News Agency

[Cara 3]Large grain growers also “ride the wind and the waves”

Like Xin Hongjun, Tang Fagen, a large grain producer in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, did not expect this year to be so difficult to grow rice.

At the beginning of the year, the new corona pneumonia epidemic made it difficult to buy seeds and fertilizers and put them in the soil. He once thought that this year he couldn’t catch up on rice. When the situation improved, he quickly bought 5 seedling pitchers and planted more than 2,800 mu of early rice at the fastest speed.

A few months later, when rice crops ushered in the harvest, the local area encountered a continuous rainy day that was rare for decades.

“It has rained for twenty consecutive days,” Tang Fagen said, “even if the rice is harvested, it cannot be dried without the sun. The villagers are in a hurry.”

Her 5 dryers were helpful and for the next 20 days she helped everyone dry the rice. Some people eat and sleep at home. Tang Fagen estimated that he helped the villagers dry more than 2,000 tons of rice.

Estimated at the end of the year, its rice production this year exceeded 2,500 tonnes.

This year, the country’s total grain production reached 1,339 billion jin, which has remained above 1.3 trillion jin for six consecutive years. Breaking through numerous difficulties, farmers across the country finally introduced the “17 Lianfeng”.

This is a photo of Ding Zhuancheng (right) with his father (profile photo). Xinhua News Agency

[Cara 4]Chick-raising “kickback wave” brings turning point in fate

Ding Zhuancheng, who has raised chickens for 4 years, finally made it this year.

At his home in Wangzhuang Village, Chengguan City, Song County, Henan Province, this 29-year-old boy is busy collecting eggs these days. He has limited mobility but is very skilled at every step.

Due to congenital spina bifida, Ding Zhuancheng was abandoned by many people since he was a child. Ding Jinshuan, a local farmer, adopted it. Father and son depended on each other for many years. Ding Jinshuan named it “become”, which means “it’s done if you turn around here.”

“I bought 2,000 fried chicken in the first year. Due to lack of experience, the largest was less than a cat after three months.” Ding Zhuancheng said: “Last year, almost all of the thousands of chicken flies were frozen to death due to the cold night in the pen.” This year’s 5,000 chickens are the best he has raised.

This is Ding Zhuancheng’s own chicken farm in Wangzhuang Village, Chengguan City, Song County, Henan Province (data photo). Xinhua News Agency

In 4 years, after exploring the right path, Ding Zhuan became a family and emerged from poverty.

By the end of this year, after 8 years of continuous efforts, the rural poor by current national standards have lifted themselves out of poverty.

Ding Zhuancheng’s wish next year is to keep working hard to raise chickens, earn more money, and take his father to Beijing to see Tiananmen Square.

Ruan Jiwei, a researcher at the Flower Research Institute of the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, checks the growth of strawberries at the base of strawberries (photographed on December 6) Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Jing

[Cara 5]”Strawberry Researcher” is determined to break the foreign monopoly

Ruan Jiwei, a researcher at the Flower Research Institute of the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was the happiest this year when the team’s four strawberry varieties obtained the new plant variety certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

New varieties of strawberries can flower and bear fruit in summer and fall, extending the strawberry market season.

This is the first batch of new “neutral Japanese” strawberry varieties with independent intellectual property rights in China, which will break the long-term monopoly of this variety by foreign countries.

Ruan Jiwei, a researcher at the Flower Research Institute of the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, photographed strawberries at the base of strawberries (photographed on December 6) .Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Jing

At the National Plateau Yunguo Industrial Park in Fumin County, Yunnan Province, Ruan Jiwei checks the flowering and fruiting of strawberries every day. In the past 8 years, Ruan Jiwei’s team has carried out an introduction evaluation, breeding research and green cultivation of “neutral Japanese” strawberry varieties, and has promoted more than 30,000 mu of efficient green cultivation techniques.

At the recent Central Conference on Economic Work, the issue of seeds and arable land received great attention. The meeting emphasized the need for technical research on seed source “stuck neck” technology, determined to fight a radical change in the seed industry.

Ruan Jiwei was full of fighting spirit.

Zhou Hong (left) in front of the fruit tree through the e-commerce platform to live live delivery of agricultural products in Jiangjin District (data photo). Xinhua News Agency

[Cara 6]New “post-60” farmers: “Sell the most native produce, attract more people”

The hospitality industry suffered heavy losses in the first half of the year, and at the same time caught a kind of “flavor” in the pepper. At the Huameiwan Family Farm in Jiangjin District, Chongqing City, 7,000 Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees had nowhere to sell.

“No matter how difficult it is, it will pass,” said Zhou Hong, a 52-year-old farmer “after 60” who is in charge of the farm. Through the “e-commerce platform + webcast”, the farm has formed a “dual channel” for online and offline sales.

In the past five years, Zhou Hong has sold agricultural and secondary products through WeChat Moments and live broadcasts, and has sold more than 10 million eggs, covering more than 30 provinces across the country.

Zhou Hong used the e-commerce platform for live delivery of agricultural products in Jiangjin District (data photo). Xinhua News Agency

“Selling so many products, it is definitely not realistic to cultivate and cultivate alone, so I let people from all over the village help to cultivate them.” Zhou Hong said that more than 100 farmers have joined the farm.

In the new year, Zhou Hong hopes to push more villagers to increase their income and get rich. He wants to “sell most of the local products and bring in more people.”

Today, more and more “new farmers” have brought advanced production technology and expertise to the field, developed new forms of business, and promoted each traditional village towards modern planting and rural revitalization.
