This week, negotiations between Britain and Europe remain unsuccessful. General Brexit will remain in office and will bring hope! | Johnson_Sina


Original caption: This week’s negotiations between Britain and Europe remain unsuccessful, and General Brexit will bring hope of staying in office! The next few weeks will usher in a major agenda, which may be aroundGBPdestination

On November 12 (Thursday), according to three briefed EU officials, this week’s trade talks between the UK and the EU will end on Friday, November 13, but little progress has been made in the main areas of disagreement. Johnson’s senior media adviser Lee Cain resigned abruptly on November 12 and Do Cummings, the most capable advisor, also plans to leave at the end of the year, injecting new uncertainty throughout the Brexit process. However, Frost, the main Brexit negotiator, decided to stay, which increased the possibility of reaching a deal.

There is still little progress in the negotiations between Britain and Europe this week, and the British general will leave.

The negotiations this week should have been decisive. Although both parties can see what the final deal looks like, EU officials insist that in order to reach a final deal, British Prime Minister Johnson must first compromise, but Johnson objects to this.

The Brexit transition period will end on December 31, less than 50 days away.

At this important moment, Lee Cain, Johnson’s senior media adviser, abruptly resigned on November 12, and his most powerful adviser, Dominic Cummings, was also planning to leave to inject the entire Brexit process. New uncertainty.

EU officials have been speculating whether the departure of the two most important figures in the Brexit process will increase or decrease the possibility of a no-deal Brexit.

This week, the UK and the EU made little progress on three key issues

That is, a fair business environment, the right to use British fishing waters and how to implement any agreement. In fact, these three issues have been plagued by negotiations between the two parties for the past eight months.

EU officials stated that the UK is unwilling to make specific commitments to comply with any future changes in EU rules, hampering progress on the first issue. Although the two sides are gradually moving closer to an agreement on how to implement the deal, the UK still rejects the EU’s call for the parties’ differences over the level of play and fisheries issues to be included in the system. broader dispute settlement.

EU officials blamed Johnson for the lack of progress in the negotiations and said he has not yet decided whether he is ready to commit to a deal.

However, a British official refuted this claim. He said this shows that the EU has finally realized that Britain is not ready to compromise on matters of principle. The official also claimed that Prime Minister Johnson hopes to reach an agreement, if possible. If we want to bridge the main loopholes that still exist, we must see that the EU is realistic and creative.

The chief Brexit negotiator decides to stay, which helps increase the likelihood of reaching a deal

The departure of Lee Cain, Johnson’s media adviser, unsettled Brexit supporters in Downing Street, including Johnson’s most powerful adviser Do Cummings. A source said Cummings will leave before the end of this year.

People familiar with the matter said David Frost, the chief Brexit negotiator, and his deputy Oliver Lewis were also unhappy with Lee Cain’s departure, but decided to remain in office.

European officials found interpreting British politics notoriously difficult, but this has not stopped them from trying to figure out what the Downing Street power struggle means for Brexit.

Those close to the negotiations said Frost was working hard to reach an agreement, and the decision he left behind made it more likely.

Since Johnson chose him to lead the negotiations last year, he has been promoted to national security adviser and will officially take over after the Brexit negotiations. According to a person familiar with the matter, this means that reaching an agreement is personally beneficial.

As the British government discussed Brexit, EU chief negotiator Barnier (Michel Barnier) expressed his views on the discussion between the negotiations. He said that right now it is just a suspension of intense trade discussions on Brexit, implying that negotiations will continue.

The key agenda for the upcoming Brexit negotiations is as follows:

On November 19, EU leaders held a video conference;

23-26 November: meeting of the European Parliament to approve the agreements reached by the leaders of the EU (if any);

December 10-11: EU Summit; if the deal has not been signed, preparations for the UK’s departure from the EU are expected to be on the agenda;

From December 14 to 17, the European Parliament held its last meeting of the year;

December 31: Brexit transition period ends; If the two parties do not sign a trade agreement, the UK will trade with the EU in accordance with WTO rules. recalls,

Although Frost, the chief Brexit negotiator, decided to stay in office, leaving hopes for a deal, but this week the UK and European Union were still unwilling to compromise and failed to resolve key differences, the negotiations turned a ballast.As 2020 draws to a close, Britain’s no-deal

The risks are increasing and the pound may be under pressure. Investors should be on the lookout for key agenda and trading news in the coming weeks, which may influence the future fate of the pound.

3:02 PM, Nov 13 Beijing Time,

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Editor in Charge: Guo Jian
