There are 129 A-share listed companies in the jurisdiction of Anhui to promote high-quality development of listed companies.


Original title: 129 A-share listed companies in the jurisdiction promote high-quality development of Anhui listed companies

March 26, included in Anhuithe companyThe fourth session of the fifth session of the AssociationmemberThe conference was held in Hefei. At the meeting, Ye Jinwei, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Anhui Securities Regulatory Office, delivered a speech titled “Seize the opportunity and implement cohesion to promote high-quality development of listed companies.” , which comprehensively summarized Anhui’s listing supervision. and development work in 2020, and revised The development achievements during the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan” were analyzed, the current situation was analyzed in depth and the next work requirements were raised. Wang Huaizhang, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Anhui Securities Regulatory Office, notified the current anti-corruption situation in the financial sector and presented demands to listed companies to build a pro-Qing business and political relationship.

Director Ye Jinwei pointed out that in 2020, Anhui capital market supervision and development has achieved remarkable results: First, the production and operation situation of listed companies in the jurisdiction has further improved. According to the third quarterly report for 2020, the total operating income of publicly traded companies in the jurisdiction is the first time since the epidemic.Year with yearPositive growth, see motherNet profitThe year-on-year decline was reduced quarter by quarter, and the positive situation of production and operation continued to consolidate. Second, the ability to serve the real economy has been further improved. Twenty companies went public for the first time during the year; newly addedScience and Technology Innovation Board8 companies, sixth place in the country, representing 5.5% of the market; listed companies and companiesLinkThe issuer raised 74.3 billion yuan through the capital market; 2 companiesMOTHERReorganization, The transaction amount is more than 3 billion yuan. Currently, there are 129 listed companies in the jurisdiction, ranking first in the central region and ninth in the country. Third, the stable operation of the market has been further consolidated: the battle for risk prevention and resolution has obtained important results and stocks have been reduced throughout the yearPromiseThere are 7 high proportion companies, with a 70% resolution rate, 10 risk companies with a 77% resolution rate and risk companies that represent less than 5%. Fourth, the company’s standardized operating base has been further consolidated. We deepened scientific oversight, classified oversight, professional oversight, and ongoing oversight, conducted 21 on-site inspections throughout the year, and uncovered more than 100 irregularities at the company.According to the unified deployment of the Securities Regulatory Commission of China, release the listingCorporate governanceSpecial action. Fifth, the capital market ecology in the jurisdiction has been further optimized. Strictly implement the “zero tolerance” requirement and impose restrictions on listed companies and their intermediary service agencies.shareholderExecutives9 administrative supervision measures have been adopted, 10 administrative sanctions have been concluded, and the number of closed cases and the amount of fines and seizures have reached all-time highs.

Director Ye Jinwei emphasized that during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the development of listed companies in Anhui has come a long way. First, the number of companies has increased significantly. 40 new national listed companies were added, an increase of almost 50%. The second is a significant improvement in operating performance, although the number of listed companiesbusinessLess than 1%, butgainThe total represented more than 30%. Listed companies act as the “basic market” of the real economy and the capital market “Power supplyThe strategic position of “has been continuously consolidated. Third, the structure of the group has been significantly optimized. Listed companies have gone from being state-owned companies to” a branch “and have gradually become state-owned, private companies. and foreigners with “a hundred flowers in bloom.” Private listed companies accounted for more than half. Fourth, the vitality of innovation has increased significantly. Bring together a new generation of quantum communications,information technologyDominant companies in industries such as biomedicine, etc., with emerging strategiesindustryListed companies accounted for more than 50%, which strongly promoted technological innovationNew industryBooming. Fifth, the level of governance has been significantly improved. The level of governance of listed companies has always been at the forefront of all types of companies in the province. Sixth, service capabilities have been significantly improved. Listed companies andCorporate bondsThe issuer raised 408.6 billion yuan through the capital market to completeFusions and acquisitions29 times, with a transaction amount of 159 billion yuan, the capital market resource allocation, investment and financing and risk management functions have been brought into play even more.

Director Ye Jinwei also pointed out the main issues currently restricting the quality of publicly traded companies in the jurisdiction, including the company’s weak refinancing capacity, profitability differentiation, poor internal governance, prominent business deficiencies. and weak core business.

Along with the implementation of the empirical oversight committee deployment, the Anhui Securities Regulatory Office has proposed “five approaches” regulatory requirements for each company.

The first is to focus on standardized governance and consolidate the foundations for high-quality development. Strictly implement special action requirements for corporate governance, resolutely stay away from the red line of collateral violations, and strictly regulate stock market behavior. The second is to focus on the core business and stabilize the direction of high-quality development. Seize the opportunity for reform, take full advantage of the capital market platform, and strengthen and improve the core business. We will conduct prudent and prudent operations at all times, to match development and risk control capabilities, and resolutely prevent capital and industry from being “pushed aside.” The third is to focus on risk prevention and control and build a solid foundation for high-quality development. Actively implement the primary responsibility for risk prevention and control, prevent and resolve the risks of pledging shares and bond defaults, and strictly prevent the spread of operational risks. The fourth is to focus on diligent performance of duties and understand the key to high-quality development. The majority shareholders, directors and supervisors of the company.Key minority“Be diligent and responsible, in the disclosure of company information, financial accounting,Related transaction, Foreign guarantees, mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, storage and use of raised funds, major asset transactions, major business decisions, etc., effectively meet the obligations of proper care and supervision. Fifth, focus on meeting responsibilities and realizing the vision of high-quality development. Maintain good, adequate and effective communication with investors, effectively protect all shareholder rights enjoyed by investors in accordance with the law, and increase returns for investors.

Wang Huaizhang, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Anhui Securities Regulatory Office, conveyed the party’s rigorous comprehensive government and disciplinary inspection and supervision work of the CSRC system.dateThe spirit, in-depth analysis of the current anti-corruption situation in the financial sector, notified the Anhui Securities Regulatory Office of the party’s comprehensive and strict governance, urged listed companies to strengthen their awareness clean practices and contributed to the establishment of a clean and honest work culture in the Anhui capital market.

(Source: Securities Daily)

(Editor in charge: DF052)

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