The Zhifei Bio-New Crown vaccine was included in emergency use. The “Admission Ticket” agency raises the rating_ 东方


Original title: Zhifei Biotech’s new crown vaccine was included in emergency use, keeping the agency “admission ticket” to raise the rating

On the night of March 17,Zhifei BioreleaseadSaid it isWholly owned subsidiaryZhifeilong Kema and the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of SciencesCooperative research and developmentofReorganizationThe new coronavirus vaccine (CHO cell) (hereinafter referred to as the “new recombinant coronavirus vaccine”) has been included for emergency use.

This is understood to be the fifth new coronavirus vaccine approved for use in China, and it is also the first new coronavirus recombinant subunit protein vaccine approved for clinical use in the world.

“The new recombinant corona vaccine is effective, safe andCold chainA more balanced technical route in terms of adaptability.Zhifei BioThe inclusion of the new recombinant corona vaccine for emergency use also means that it can be used on a large scale in the market. In fact, it is no different from conditionally marketed vaccines, but the name is different. “Shanghai Semioda Health Consulting Service CenterSupervisorDr. Tao Lina told the “Securities Daily” reporter that in this way, three large-scale technical vaccine routes have been put into use in China, which is the world’s leading one.

  The fifth national vaccine new crownApproved for use

In the context of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the acceleration of vaccine development and commercialization has become a major problem for domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies.

  Zhifei BioIt is a pharmaceutical company that has previously invested in the research and development of new corona vaccines. Its subsidiary Zhifeilong Kema and the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly developed a new recombinant coronavirus vaccine. One of the 5 technical routes.

From a development process perspective, the vaccine received clinical approval in June 2020, completed phase I and phase II clinical trials in October, and launched in China, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Ecuador, Indonesia, and many other countries since November, 2020. Phase III clinical trial. On March 1, 2021, the vaccine was approved for use in Uzbekistan and on March 17, the vaccine was included for emergency use in the country.

After almost 10 months, the new recombinant corona vaccine from Zhifei Bio successfully obtained the “entry ticket” on the market.

Prior to this, my country has already approved 4 new corona vaccines, including 3 new inactivated corona vaccines and 1 adenovirus vector vaccine. They are respectively 2 inactivated vaccines from Sinopharm Group and 1 inactivated vaccine from Beijing Kexing. Live Vaccine, Can Sinoe and Academician Chen WeiteamA co-developed adenovirus vector vaccine.

It is worth mentioning that, unlike the first four new corona vaccines approved for commercialization, according to the current experimental design, the new recombinant corona vaccine from Zhifei Bio adopts three vaccination doses, and the interval between each dose is 1 month . Public information shows that the current production capacity of Zhifeilongkoma is 300 million doses, and the 3-injection method is equivalent to vaccinating 100 million people.

“In this case, people will have more options. You can compare the safety and efficacy of vaccines with different technical routes during large-scale use.” Tao Lin told the “Securities Daily” reporter that there are currently three technologies on the market. Route, one is CanSino just one injection of adenovirus vector vaccine, which is more vaccinated for army-related groups; one is two injections of inactivated vaccine, which is also the most common vaccine; the other is all three injections of the new recombinant corona protein vaccine this time.

“Zhifei Biotech’s recombinant protein vaccine uses the ‘0-1-2′ vaccination procedure to give three injections, which is also the regularity of recombinant protein vaccines. For example, the hepatitis B vaccine is also a recombinant protein, which is’ (That is, the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine is 0 days, the second dose is given 1 month after the first dose, and the third dose is 6 months after the first dose) three injections; cervical cancer vaccine It is also a recombinant protein. Three injections are given according to the vaccination procedure of ‘0-1-6’ or ‘0-2-6’. From this perspective, although the cost of three injections is relatively high for medical resources and vaccination organization, VaccinepriceIt may be less. Taolina also said.

  Zhifei Bio has the “admission ticket”Institutions are optimisticthe companyFuture perspectives

“The situation in the prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemic is improving and vaccines are indispensable in future life,” Shen Meng, chief executive of Chanson Capital, told a Securities Daily reporter. situation,businessGetting approved is like getting the “entry ticket” to the market, and you will be invested in the “battle” of the epidemic.

From an industry perspective, for Zhifei Bio, the “emergency use” of its new corona vaccine means entering the “national team” sequence, which is a huge advantage.

Zhifei Biotech also stated in the announcement that if the new crown vaccine is subsequently used in large-scale procurement by the relevant national departments,PerformanceIt has a certain positive impact.

The performance bulletin released by the company shows that in 2020, Zhifei will achieveOperating income15.190 billion yuan,Year with yearAn increase of 43.48%; attributable to listed companiesshareholderofNet profit3.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39.47%.

At the same time, in the secondary market, Zhifei Biological also drew attention to the new concept of the crown vaccine, and its share price has risen sharply.

Data shows that since the beginning of last year, Zhifei Biotech’s share price has risen by more than 250%, reaching a maximum of 215.88 yuan per share. As of the close of March 18, 2021, Zhifei BioNew crotchThe price is 175.80 yuan per share and the total market value is approximately 281.3 billion yuan.

MultipleBrokerageThe institutions expressed optimism about their future prospects and upgraded their ratings one after another.

Guosheng Securities believes that Zhifei Biotech’s new corona vaccine production uses engineered cells (CHO) to produce recombinant proteins and does not require high-grade biosafety laboratory production workshops. The production process is stable and reliable, and can quickly reach large-scale domestic and foreignindustryChemical production has advantages in terms of production capacity, packaging and transportation.In the general context of universal vaccination, the demand for national production capacity is enormous and recombinant subunit vaccines have obvious advantages in production capacity, which they are expected to substantially satisfy the demand for domestic production capacity. will increase significantly in achievements

Wanlian Securities stated that in the iterative upgrade of vaccine technology, new andBig orderIn the market environment where the variety value is prominent, we are optimistic about the overall development of the domestic vaccine industry in the future, Insist on innovation under the biological part of ZhifeiproductThe harvest period is about to begin.

“Vaccines are products that accompany major infectious diseases. With the continuous mutation and development of various viruses, there will be more and more demand for vaccines, and the vaccine market is highly dependent on research and development capabilities, which they will form an active differentiation of the market, with resources and capacities of investigation and development. The company will have the greater participation of market and income “, concluded Shen Meng.

(Source: Securities Daily)

(Editor-in-charge: DF546)

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