The United States has announced the resumption of UN sanctions against Iran and other members of the Security Council unanimously express their opposition


  The United States has announced the resumption of the United Nations to express its opposition to the sanctions against Iran

Reference news networkSeptember 21 ReportAccording to a report by The Associated Press in Washington on September 19, the Trump administration announced on Saturday local time that all United Nations sanctions against Iran have been reinstated. However, most other countries in the world consider this measure illegal, which paved the way for fierce duel in the UN General Assembly.

The Trump administration said the “ rapid recovery ” mechanism of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in the UN Security Council resolution was launched at 8 p.m. ET, that is, Secretary of State Pompeo notified the Security Council of Iran’s “ grave breach ” of its obligations under the nuclear deal. 30 days later.

According to the report, Pompeo said in a statement issued at 8 p.m.: “The reason the United States took this decisive action was because, apart from Iran’s failure to honor its commitments in the nuclear deal, the Security Council of the The UN also failed. Extending the 13-year arms embargo imposed on Iran. “

But other members of the Security Council strongly opposed the US actions. These countries insist that the Trump administration withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and unilaterally restarted sanctions against Iran, so the United States is not legally qualified to require the United Nations to initiate a “rapid recovery” mechanism.

According to a report by Agence France-Presse in Washington on September 20, the United States unilaterally declared on Saturday local time that the United Nations sanctions against Iraq would be strengthened and pledged to punish those who violate the sanctions. This move may further exacerbate America’s isolation and international tensions.

US Secretary of State Pompeo said in a statement: “Today, the United States welcomes the almost complete restoration of the previously lifted United Nations sanctions against Iran.”

The Trump administration also reportedly threatened to punish all countries and entities that violated UN sanctions, though only the United States in the world believes the sanctions are effective. This is a terrible weapon: those who violate the rules identified by Washington will not be able to enter the market and the financial system of the United States.

Pompeo said: “If UN member states cannot meet their obligations to enforce these sanctions, the United States is ready to use its own tools to punish these infractions.” He also pledged “in the coming days” to introduce measures against “violators of UN sanctions.”

US President Trump is reportedly able to announce relevant measures at the General Assembly meeting on Tuesday local time. It’s just that now Washington is dealing almost alone with everyone: Russia, China, America’s European allies.

Furthermore, according to a report by RIA Novosti Moscow on September 20, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday local time that the United States still misleads the international community and speculates on the question of the resumption of sanctions against Iran. .

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the UN Security Council has not taken any action that could lead to the reinstatement of sanctions against Iran. “What Washington has done is simply compose a play to attribute its ‘maximum pressure’ policy on Iran. Under the name of the Security Council, it turned this prestigious institution into a tool for its own use. This drama is a disaster “.

According to the report, the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that “the United States is now trying to make everyone wear” augmented reality glasses “labeled” Made in the United States “to observe the issue of the Iran-Iran nuclear deal, but the world is not an American computer game. ” What Washington did was “a flagrant disregard for Security Council resolutions and international law, which is unacceptable not only by Russia but also by other members of the Security Council.”


According to a report by Deutsche News Agency in Brussels on September 20, the foreign ministers of France, Britain and Germany, as well as the EU’s top foreign affairs official, denied Washington’s right to re-impose United Nations sanctions on Iran on Sunday.

In the joint statement issued by the three countries that reached a nuclear deal with Tehran in 2015, the foreign ministers emphasized that the United States has withdrawn from the deal in 2018 and therefore has no right to trigger the re-implementation of punitive measures.

The statement said: “The decisions and actions taken based on this procedure or their possible results have no legal effect.”

According to another report, Iranian President Rouhani told a cabinet meeting on Sunday local time that the US “extreme pressure” against Iran has caused the United States to “extremely isolate” the sanctions will fail, and Iran will never succumb and will be strong. Fight against US bullying

  Russia’s approval of the United States to restore sanctions against Iran is “forcing everyone to wear virtual reality glasses.”

Reference news networkSeptember 20 ReportAccording to news from the Agence France-Presse in Moscow, the Russian Foreign Ministry condemned on the 20th that the United States declared that the reinstatement of United Nations sanctions against Iran was “illegal” and “unacceptable.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying: “The illegal initiatives and actions of the United States obviously have no binding international legal force in other countries.”

The statement criticized the United States for “trying to force everyone to wear virtual reality glasses” and accepting the American interpretation of the situation, but “the world is not an American computer game.” (Compile / Liu Ziyan)

  Britain, France and Germany reject the request of the US government to resume sanctions on Iran

Reference news networkReported August 21According to New York news from the Deutsche News Agency, Britain, France and Germany rejected the US government’s request to the United Nations to reinstate sanctions on Iran.

The three allies said in a statement that the United States has pulled out of the nuclear deal reached by many parties with Iran in 2015, but that they will continue to support the Iran nuclear deal. (Compile / Yang Wenjing)

  US media: Iran’s new missile called “Soleimani” has a range of about 1,400 kilometers

Reference news networkReported August 22According to a report published on the US Consumer News and Business Channel website on August 20, Iran announced a new surface-to-surface ballistic missile on Thursday local time. As the Trump administration attempts to contain the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons and missile ambitions, this move is likely to upset Washington.

Iranian Defense Minister Amir Khatami reportedly said in a televised speech that the missile has a range of about 1,400 kilometers (870 miles) and is named after Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. In January this year, Soleimani was killed in an attack by the US military in Iraq.

Khatami also said that the Iranian regime already has a new cruise missile with a range of more than 620 nautical miles, named after the Iraqi militia commander, Abu Mehdi Muhandis. Muhandis was also killed in the same American attack. Khatami also said that these new missiles “will further strengthen Iran’s deterrence.”

Iranian President Rouhani reportedly said that these new missiles are important for defense. He said: “Missiles, especially cruise missiles, are very important to us … We have increased the range of the missile from 300 kilometers to 1,000 kilometers in less than two years. This is an amazing achievement.” He also said: “We The country’s military force and missile program are defensive.”

As Iran shows its strength, the Trump administration is pressuring members of the Security Council to extend the United Nations arms embargo on Iran.
