The two sessions are called political “Spring Festival Gala”, the representative is the CCP puppets | Political Participation | The Epoch Times


[Noticias de La Gran Época del 6 de marzo de 2021](Full report by Epoch Times reporter Zhang Bei) The two sessions of the Chinese Communist Party have opened. The terrestrial media, which are under strict control, are fully engaged and continue to “positively” increase publicity. However, public participation in this issue is decreasing, some critics point out that the two sessions have become a well-rehearsed political “Spring Festival Gala”, which is even more boring.

The representatives of the people are not elected by the people

The so-called “two sessions” of the CPC are the CPC National People’s Congress and the CPPCC meetings. At the time of the convocation, the official media of the Communist Party of China and other terrestrial media sing praises and even use people to create the atmosphere. “The thirteenth quinquennial report card of people’s livelihoods of netizens’ hot debates” and Two-session survey results: governing the country according to the law, social security, rural revitalization is the headline of the most worrying news.

However, some critics believe that the People’s Assembly has nothing to do with the people, this title is not true because the so-called representatives of the people do not know who elected them and the representatives of the people do not communicate with the voters. For example, Shen Jilan, who was once jokingly called the “living fossil” of the representatives of the two sessions, once publicly told the media that as a representative of the people, it is “not appropriate” for him to communicate with the voters.

Mainland Chinese human rights lawyer Xie Yanyi told VOA: “The assumptions that are not in their position, they do not seek politics,” “As time passes, as I get older and understand the political reality , my true state now is no “. Don’t pay too much attention to it (two sessions). “

He also said that, in fact, about the two sessions, he, like many other Chinese, has a lot to say in terms of the system, laws, politics and the livelihood of the people, but personally he feels that it is pointless and pointless to say so. nothing.

The people’s representative does not speak Sheng Xue: the two sessions are comparable to the Spring Festival Gala

In addition, in the two sessions of each year, the representatives’ proposals are also the focus of the media.

But critics have complained for many years that the opinions and suggestions of so-called representatives of the people who are officially propagated either turn a blind eye to the substantive issues that people really care about, or are made fun of.

For example, during this year’s epidemic, Hebei and other places severely closed the city, people’s livelihoods were not guaranteed, indefinitely quarantined, and medical treatment to kill people was obstructed. However, no media reported that any representative issued relevant opinions. Rather, the suggestions that have been touted include “cancel elementary students’ homework,” “cancel compulsory English courses for elementary and middle school students,” and so on.

In an interview with Voice of America, the FDC global vice president and a well-known writer Sheng Xue said that under the autocratic system of the CCP, the representatives of the two sessions should be the CCP’s puppets.

Sheng Xue said: “In fact, the CCP’s two sessions are somewhat equivalent to its political ‘Spring Festival Gala.’ All programs and procedures have been repeatedly selected, reviewed, rehearsed and verified before this, and then every one is too. It is only after repeated approvals of various aspects that he reaches the final step. When he presents himself to people and the world, in fact all his things are already a finished product. “

Sheng Xue also said that the most important thing for the CCP to do this is to make sure the policy is infallible; As the CCP regime has increasingly emphasized politics, the “Spring Festival Gala” has become increasingly boring; The same goes for the political “Spring Festival Gala”, which are both sessions, but even more boring.

Dictatorship steps up academics: ignoring people’s livelihoods

The official spokesman for the Communist Party of China and the media hype in publicizing that the two sessions at all levels are a concrete manifestation of the participation of the Chinese people in politics and a concrete manifestation of the democracy of the Chinese people and the legitimacy of the Chinese communist regime.

Article 2 of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China also states that “all power in the People’s Republic of China belongs to the people. The organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People’s Congress and the congresses. local popular at various levels. “

Contrary to this, the CCP media also emphasizes the so-called “four consciences”, namely the political consciousness, the general situation consciousness, the central consciousness and the alignment consciousness, and the realization of “two safeguards” , that is, “the central conscience Committee of the Communist Party of China that protects Xi Jinping.” The core, the central position of the whole party, safeguards the authority of the Central Committee of the Party and the centralized and unified leadership. “

In addition, the Communist Party of China announced that all rural populations across the country will lift themselves out of poverty. The official media will focus on poverty alleviation and people’s livelihoods in both sessions, regardless of the actual living conditions of the people.

Ms. Wang, whose hometown is in Henan Province, told The Epoch Times: “You cannot believe the words of the Communist Party, you cannot believe anything they say.” Ms. Wang’s hometown is in Taohe Township, Xichuan County, Henan Province, which is a mountainous area and is still extremely poor. She revealed that the people there had no money to come down the mountain and basically couldn’t eat meat dishes.

Gao Yu, a freelance journalist in Beijing, told Voice of America that officials at the top of the CCP loudly promoted poverty alleviation across the country and the world, but officials at the bottom did not mind. life or death mattered. of people to create poverty. Many people complained that local officials or civil servant-controlled thugs were turning to small shopkeepers and street vendors who worked hard for a living all day, overturning and vandalizing the stalls they depend on for a living, regardless. of the poor livelihoods of the merchants.

The two sessions cost money to become a secret, rich people meeting to represent the people?

Furthermore, in recent decades, the CCP has spent huge sums of money to convene people’s congresses at all levels every year, but the amount of money that has been spent has always been a so-called “state secret.”

In 2005, some people calculated from scattered information released by the local government that the funds used to call popular congresses at all levels at that time were about 5 billion yuan. In this sense, the Communist Party of China is not official.

This year, the security measures for the two sessions are extraordinarily strict. According to official reports, cars used by the National Congress of the People’s Republic of China must pass 37 security checks. Drivers have been trained in terrorism, riot prevention, and epidemic prevention and control. The Beijing police also opened the “three lines of defense.” How much the additional security will cost has become a so-called “state secret.”

At the same time, the representatives of the two sessions this year still gather rich people.

According to the Hurun Report, the wealth of Chinese tycoons who attended the two sessions grew by an average of 68% in the past year, and their total value reached US $ 391 billion, significantly exceeding Hong Kong’s GDP by 2020 of approximately 349 billion. American dollars.

Among them, Ma Huateng, founder and CEO of Tencent Holdings, is the richest businessman to participate in both sessions this year, and currently has a fortune of US $ 74 billion; the second is Muyuan Foods Chairman Qin Yinglin with a net worth. of 41 billion US dollars; and the third is Ding Lei from NetEase. Net worth is US $ 38 billion.

The Chinese real estate mogul, Country Garden President Yang Guoqiang and Evergrande’s Xu Jiayin ranked sixth and seventh, with fortunes of $ 33 billion and $ 31 billion, respectively.

Li Zeju of Yangtze River Hutchison with US $ 34 billion in assets and Li Jiajie, Chairman of Henderson Land Development, with US $ 25 billion in assets, ranked fourth and ninth respectively. Li Zeju is the son of Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong, and Li Jiajie inherits the business from his father Li Shau Kee.

However, it is questioned whether these people care about the livelihood of ordinary people and whether they understand the livelihood of the people.

Editor in Charge: Zhou Yiqian #
