The total value of China’s import and export goods trade in the first three quarters was 23.12 trillion yuan, up 0.7% year-on-year | total import and export value | import and export | mechanical and electrical products_Sina


Original title: China’s total value of imports and exports of goods trade in the first three quarters increased 0.7% year-on-year to 23.12 trillion. Source: China Economic Net

At the press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council on the 13th, Li Kuiwen, spokesman for the General Administration of Customs and Director of the Department of Statistical Analysis, presented that, according to customs statistics, the total value of the China’s merchandise imports and exports in the first three quarters was 23.12 trillion yuan, compared with an increase of 0.7% in the same period last year.

Data Map: Container Terminal. China News Agency Reporter Chen WensheData Map: Container Terminal. China News Agency Reporter Chen Wenshe

Li Kuiwen pointed out that since the beginning of this year, in the face of the severe impact of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, China has increased its macro policy response, solidly implemented the work of “six stability”, fully implemented the task of “six guarantees “and achieved significant results in the general planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. As a result, the stabilization effect of foreign trade policies continued to appear and imports and exports were significantly better than expected. According to customs statistics, in the first three quarters, the total value of China’s goods trade imports and exports was 23.12 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.7% over the same period last year; among them, exports were 12.71 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.8%; imports were 10.41 trillion yuan, a decrease of 0.6%. Specifically, it has the following six characteristics:

First, foreign trade imports and exports stabilized quarter by quarter, and the cumulative growth rate went from negative to positive. In the first and second quarters of this year, China’s import and export growth rates were -6.5% and -0.2% respectively. In the third quarter, China’s imports and exports were 8.88 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.5% year-on-year, of which exports were 5 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.2% and the imports of 38,800 yuan. Billions of yuan, an increase of 4.3%. The total value of imports and exports, the total value of exports and the total value of imports in the third quarter reached a quarterly record. In the first eight months, accumulated exports achieved positive growth, and accumulated imports and exports achieved positive growth in the first three quarters.

Second, the import and export of private companies has increased significantly and the role of “stabilizer” of foreign trade has become more prominent. In the first three quarters, China’s private enterprise import and export was 10.66 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.2%, accounting for 46.1% of the total value of China’s foreign trade, a 4% increase over the same period last year. Among them, exports were 7.02 trillion yuan, an increase of 10%, accounting for 55.2% of the total value of exports; imports were 3.64 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.5%, accounting for 35% of the total value of imports. The import and export of companies with foreign investment was 8.91 trillion yuan, accounting for 38.5%. State-owned enterprises import and export 3.46 trillion yuan, accounting for 15%.

The third is to maintain the growth of imports and exports with the main trading partners. ASEAN is China’s largest trading partner. In the first three quarters, imports and exports to ASEAN, the EU, the United States, Japan, and South Korea were 3.38 trillion yuan, 3.23 trillion yuan, 2.82 trillion yuan, 1, 61 trillion yuan and 1.45 trillion yuan, respectively, an increase of 7.7% and 2.9%. , 2%, 1.4%, 1.1%, among which ASEAN is China’s largest trading partner and represents 14.6% of the total value of China’s foreign trade. In addition, China’s imports and exports to countries along the “Belt and Road” reached 6.75 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.5%.

Fourth, overall commercial imports and exports have increased and the structure of business methods has been further optimized. In the first three quarters, China’s general trade import and export was 13.92 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.1%, accounting for 60.2% of the total value of China’s foreign trade, a 0.8% increase over the same period last year. Among them, exports were 7.57 billion yuan, an increase of 3.8%, imports were 6.35 billion yuan, an increase of 0.1%. During the same period, the import and export of processing trade was 5.39 trillion yuan, down 6.4%.

Fifth, the growth rate of exports of mechanical and electrical products turned from negative to positive, and the export of materials for epidemic prevention grew rapidly. In the first three quarters, Chinese exports of mechanical and electrical products were 7.46 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.2%, and the growth rate was 5.5 percentage points higher than that of the first half, accounting for 58.7% of the total value of exports. Among them, changes in lifestyles brought on by the epidemic boosted the export of laptops and household appliances. Increased by 17.6% and 17.3%. At the same time, exports of seven categories of labor-intensive products, such as textiles and clothing, were 2.59 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.4%, accounting for 20.4 %, of which textile exports, including masks, were 828.78 billion yuan, an increase of 37.5%. In addition, exports of medical supplies and drugs, medical instruments and equipment increased by 21.8% and 48.2%, respectively.

Sixth, imports of major commodities and key agricultural products have increased. In the first three quarters, China imported 868 million tons of iron ore, an increase of 10.8%; imported crude oil was 416 million tons, an increase of 12.7%; imported coal was 239 million tons, a decrease of 4.4%; imported natural gas was 73.731 million tons, an increase of 3.7%. In the same period, imports of soybeans and meat increased rapidly. Among them, 74,529 million tons of soybeans were imported, an increase of 15.5%; pork imports were 3,286 million tons, an increase of 132.2%; and beef imports were 1,572 million tons, an increase of 38.8%.

Li Kuiwen pointed out that at present, the new corona pneumonia epidemic is still spreading globally, the world economy is severely recessionary, the international environment is becoming increasingly severe and complex, and uncertainties and instabilities have significantly increased. Customs will build on the trend, focus on “six stability” and “six guarantees”, adhere to the general keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability, adhere to the new development concept, further promote the facilitation of trade, cultivate a new impetus for foreign trade, promote the innovative development of foreign trade, and promote construction. The new pattern of development will make greater contributions to the customs to complete the annual goals and tasks of economic and social development.
